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[Solved] stand-alone cave model

Level 25
Mar 29, 2020

I'm looking for a stand-alone cave that can just be plopped down by itself and look like a cave entrance jutting out of the ground. the blizzard doodad caves are all part of cliffs and look very bad alone.

One way of doing this could be by editing these rock models (the creator wrote that all his stuff is free to edit) by adding a cave opening to them (could take the entrance from the blizzard caves or just add some dark color and make it recede a little ), and melting the sides down a little so that they meld more seamlessly with the ground.

Ideally it would match grassy terrain (like lordaeron summer tileset style), so either the cave would be grassy itself, or like the dirt/rocks in that tileset...

any help would be much obliged.
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Model Reviewer
Level 34
May 8, 2012
This should do the job.


  • cliffentrance.png
    343 KB · Views: 13
  • cliffentrance.mdx
    7.7 KB · Views: 10