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SSC #7 "No contest"

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Level 19
Sep 14, 2007
As some of you may know the Short Story Contest #7 ended with quite a bit of controversy. Dragonson was deemed the winner by 80% judging and 20% polling. Here's the issue. There was only ONE judge, that one judge being his girlfriend Apheraz Lucent. Seeing as the judging was 80% of the result it is clear what the issue is.

Apheraz claimed to not be bias in the judging; however, the fact remains that one should not judge a contest with a significant other participating. It is a bias whether it is blatant or subconscious.

Quite a few of us agree that this contest should be labeled a "no contest" and agreed that no awards should be given. Rep awards can stay, rep is already inflated.

Comments are needed to get to a place of agreement. Please post thoughts and ideas in the thread.

EDIT: forgot to address what L2Love said, Most of us including myself did not know they were in a relationship until after the judging.
Level 16
Oct 18, 2008
As some of you may know the Short Story Contest #7 ended with quite a bit of controversy. Dragonson was deemed the winner by 80% judging and 20% polling. Here's the issue. There was only ONE judge, that one judge being his girlfriend Apheraz Lucent. Seeing as the judging was 80% of the result it is clear what the issue is.

Apheraz claimed to not be bias in the judging; however, the fact remains that one should not judge a contest with a significant other participating. It is a bias whether it is blatant or subconscious.

Quite a few of us agree that this contest should be labeled a "no contest" and agreed that no awards should be given. Rep awards can stay, rep is already inflated.

Comments are needed to get to a place of agreement. Please post thoughts and ideas in the thread.

EDIT: forgot to address what L2Love said, Most of us including myself did not know they were in a relationship until after the judging.

Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
While I do not know when Dragonson entered the contest or when Apheraz joined as a judge but when both were part of the contest I feel like there should have already been some form of a objection to it if you felt it was a problem.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I don't see why the award shouldn't be given. If anyone had a problem, they should have said something before, it's too late now.

I do however agree that it's a poor idea to have one judge. I don't so much care about the relations to the members; I think people are just as likely to rate their friends high as they are someone they're dating. There should be at least 3 judges though.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Get 1-2 more judges, ask them to read 'n' review the stories.
Then re-post if there was any change in the winners.

No need to throw away an award when the work has already been put in, it would just be a waste of time.
My suggestion is to clear the awards, rep, poll, judging, and totally re-do it all, anonymous if it needs to be.
I think now the contest is over and a new one has started apparently, so why are you suggesting that everything should be wiped out?
You can barely find contestants for some certain types of contests, same for judges and the story contests are uncommon and rather not a lot of fun to judge.
Have you actually found anyone who will be judging the new short story contest?

Maybe Apheraz did let Drago win, but you can't be too sure.
Removing rep awards would be just stupid, or are you mad because now that user has more rep than you?
I'd say don't do anything about it and let the winner have his award.
It's your fault in some way that you didn't do something about this beforehand, although I think people found out they were 'together' a bit too late.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Rep more or less is pretty useless... there's a reason why the system is going to be redone.

As for the actually award or "medal"... those are a bit more rare...

My vote goes for not recounting it as the contest is "over"... no point in recalling it now... but dont award the medal.

Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
I think now the contest is over and a new one has started apparently, so why are you suggesting that everything should be wiped out?
You can barely find contestants for some certain types of contests, same for judges and the story contests are uncommon and rather not a lot of fun to judge.
Have you actually found anyone who will be judging the new short story contest?

Maybe Apheraz did let Drago win, but you can't be too sure.
Removing rep awards would be just stupid, or are you mad because now that user has more rep than you?
I'd say don't do anything about it and let the winner have his award.
It's your fault in some way that you didn't do something about this beforehand, although I think people found out they were 'together' a bit too late.

I'd say this too. You'll never know if she has let him win, so jeah, give him the benefit of the doubt, we all know Drago writes good stories. And guys, we are on the HIVE, we're a friendly community about having fun, it's nothing as serious as when someone is cheating in political votings or something.
Level 19
Sep 14, 2007
Yeah, 80% judging. This is why I have always pushed towards 50/50, but as always, my suggestions go unheeded. If you're counting on some admin reverting all it back, don't count on me, I ain't moving a finger to fix this.

What was the point of this post? For pity? Cool story.

50/50 is stupid because that means that all the people friend voting and random voting have as much power over the results as do the people who read the stories and critically analyze them.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I would be willing to judge if needed. Feel free to PM me if there's a problem getting enough for any non-mod related contests.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
Rui said:
This is why I have always pushed towards 50/50
A weight of 80% is fine when there are multiple judges, and certainly better than a 50% weight when there are more than 2 judges.
Rui said:
as always, my suggestions go unheeded.
Which is still probably better than you ignoring criticism of your controversial changes.

Finding enough (good) judges has always been a problem with contests for things that aren't "big" at the hive, like the story ones, music ones, etc. Mostly because everyone who can enter, enters, so there's not really anyone left to judge.

Just putting that out there.
Not to mention that whether or not a user has the specific skills to judge a short story contest is far more subjective than them having the skills to judge say, a spell contest.
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Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
It can be a nice thing if anyone was kind enough to point me out for people talking behind my back, in front of my nose, no matter how weird that sounds.

I already started an argument in here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/site-discussion-97/about-short-story-contests-206145/, and I don't see a single reason to open multiple threads about same... what you called it? Oh, issue. And I had bravery to tell everyone involved that I opened a thread about them, and asked for opinion.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but once again you guys started the "TWIF should have won instead of Drake" thread.

Once again, I state the obvious facts that Drake and I are not in any form or relationship, unless if you count "Love you" and "<3" virtual messages as one, and TWIF's story was pathetic comparing to Drake's. That's why he won, and don't take this as an offence, TWIF, but I again state the reason that most of the people who tried to take me down haven't even red those stories, at least yours and Drake's, since that's where the argument started, AFTER the contest ended. Why nobody said anything before? Also, I will draw one more card from my sleeve: I was the only one truly interested in judging such a contest. Try to find a person who enjoys in it, likes to do such job, and then apply him/her to give an opinion about those stories.

Please don't put that unconscious crap under my face, I am mature and intelligent enough to carry Mensa IQ and to foresee every thought that runs through my head. You, who don't know a thing about me, dared to tell others that I did something wrong. Where's logic in all that?

Anyways, if you guys are still convinced that I judged something wrong, or the community wants someone else to re-judge the contest, I'm okay with that, as long as you stop accusing me for something I haven't did.

Take two other judges to replace my judging? Okay.
Remove my judging and base the contest only on poll? Okay.
Restart the contest and ban me from judging as long as Drake's in there? Okay.


And don't anyone dare to quote me further, I am sick of this bulls**t, and I am unsubscribed, so that I don't have to look this pathetic insults anymore.

Level 19
Sep 14, 2007
A. The thread is in SD (plain open sight)

B. Nobody said TWIF should've won

C. You yourself said you are in a relationship with him and the visitor messages on both of your pages are clear evidence "love you hun" etc..

D. We are not insulting you as a person, all we have done is brought up the fact that you should not have judged a contest in which your boyfriend is participating, it's common courtesy.

E. The reason this thread was created is because PM's about the contest outcome spawned this thread by choice of myself and a Mod.

Stop taking this as some sort of attack on you as a person because that is not what it is; this is a thread simply outlining the facts at hand.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
For all it's worth, Short Story Contest #7 should just be left alone. What is done is done and SSC8 is more or less on its way. If you're all so concerned about the judging being biased, don't let Apheraz judge the next contest and try to find two or three experienced judges. But carrying on likes this does not serve the greater purpose of the writing community on THW. These contests should be about fun and should serve as a more public avenue for the writers of THW (who are quite small in number).

Close the thread, fix whatever judging/voting flaws you think matter and move on. Simple as that.
Level 19
Sep 14, 2007
For all it's worth, Short Story Contest #7 should just be left alone. What is done is done and SSC8 is more or less on its way. If you're all so concerned about the judging being biased, don't let Apheraz judge the next contest and try to find two or three experienced judges. But carrying on likes this does not serve the greater purpose of the writing community on THW. These contests should be about fun and should serve as a more public avenue for the writers of THW (who are quite small in number).

Close the thread, fix whatever judging/voting flaws you think matter and move on. Simple as that.

It's called Site Discussion in order to have a discussion. Alot of us agree that something should be done to change the outcome of the last contest, so we are not ready to have this closed.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
something should be done to change the outcome of the last contest.

Im not so sure about that. Would it really be right, after having this problem with Aph possibly being biased towards one candidate, to rejudge where the judges might be biased against that same candidate?

My vote still goes in to just lay #7 to rest and go on to #8. I think the only reason this is such a big problem as it is is that this scenario has revealed some flaws in the contest system, and now its not only a debate of #7 but rather the whole of running contests on hive.

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