Contest Judging Subforum

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Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Currently, the system for judging and sharing results is through the private message system. However, private messages have a cap, and for people who receive lots of private messages (namely staff members) the PM’s need to be cleaned out, meaning it’s only a temporary record of information. Having a conversation through PM’s is a sort of inefficient means.

I would like to suggest a sub forum within the Arena for the contest judge(s) to relegate information to each other and to the Contest Administrator (in this case Pharaoh_). It could work similar to Administrator’s Contact, where the thread is private between the creator and the Contest Administrator (because judges in some contests might be contestants in others, as such they probably shouldn’t see other judge’s threads). It can be used to discuss current progress; contestant errors that should be looked out for, and post results.

The only thing that I’m not sure of is with contests that have multiple judges, is it possible to give the Contest Administrator the power to add the additional judges to the judging thread.


P.S. Fix or remove the Arena Calendar?
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
In Theory, but thats a LOT of groups for Paraoh to join XD

You make a fair point. Perhaps we could have a sub-forum divided into separate categories for different contests, and unless you are judge it works like the administration contact system. In theory too, that could potentially be a lot of work for Pharaoh_ to manage who is a judge, who isn't, who to remove, how information is handled, etc.

There doesn't seem to be an easy way to go about this.
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