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Tileset: Lordaeron Winter
Players: 1v1.
Resources: 2x 12,500 (starting positions), 2x 12,500 (natural expansions), 1x 10,000 (central expansion)
Creepcamps: 7x Green, 10x Orange, 2x Red
Neutral buildings: 2x Tavern, 2x Goblin Shop, 2x Goblin Laboratory, 2x Mercenary Camps

Author notes: Springtime is an experimental map with 5 goldmines. The central goldmine is unprotected and can be taken at any moment of the game but with a high risk. The central platеau of the map has warmer colors and is populated with summer creeps. The boundaries have much colder weather and are populated with winter creeps. I am sure you will enjoy the spring spirit of the map.

Special thanks to @Rhythmt for playtesting; @Mafe, Knecht, Zucht, LoveStruck, Tenshi, remodemo and many other people for the feedback.

Springtime v1.2 (Map)

Approved based on the results of the recent melee mapping contest: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/hive-cup-2021-melee-mapping-contest-8-first-phase-results.336983/...


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
Approved based on the results of the recent melee mapping contest:

The map has been reviewed by several pro players and mapmakers (including myself, see first-phase-result-thread), and was generally favorably received.