Hello eager spell designers! These are some spell ideas I have come up with and which I would try to make myself but I just don't have the time these days. They would all be hero spells. Some of them are pretty simple but I would like to have as much work done for me as you guys are willing to offer. What interests me actually is designing new heroes, I just need to give them innovative abilities...
"Sustain" (Aura)
Increases the lifespan of summoned units. Example: every five seconds add X seconds back on expiration timer of summoned units, where X equals level of spell.
"Zergling Swarm" (Summoning)
Spawns 3 or so zerglings. When zerglings make a killing blow a further zergling is spawned from the corpse a la "Black Arrow". There would probably need to be some limit on this ability so that zerglings don't take over the whole game.
"Spell Armor" (Buff?)
Temporary mass buff, like Roar, that gives friendly units spell imunity. Duration increases with spell level.
"Seize" (Unit Targeted)
Blinks a targeted enemy unit to the location of the casting hero. Limited range which might increase with spell level. Nasty spell to use on a damaged hero trying to run away.
"Muster" (Unit or Area targeted)
Teleports unit(s) owned by player from anywhere on the map to the location of the hero a la Starcraft arbiter "Recall". Cooldown could decrease with level, or AoE or units-at-a-time could increase.
"Synergy" (Hero Targeted)
Upon targeting another player-owned hero, both heroes are "melded" together, creating a super-hero with combined HP, Mana, Strength, Agility, and Intelligence (further multiplied or added to by some number). After a duration, or at the players discretion the super-hero splits back to the original two heroes. The super-hero should actually be a morphed version of the original hero who has this ability, so he will still have the same items and other abilities. The other used hero would essentially be hidden. Spell immunity might also be a good thing for the super-hero. This should probably be an Ultimate ability.
"Avenging Bomb" (Ultimate)
When the hero dies they release a LARGE explosion that does decreasing damage with distance from epicenter. I have already experimented with this using suped-up landmine explosions.
And some very simple ones I would like to see on a "tank" hero.
Attack Range Upgrade.
Splash Damage Upgrade, with increasing radius per level.
Gargoyle style stone form, but applied to a hero.
"Sustain" (Aura)
Increases the lifespan of summoned units. Example: every five seconds add X seconds back on expiration timer of summoned units, where X equals level of spell.
"Zergling Swarm" (Summoning)
Spawns 3 or so zerglings. When zerglings make a killing blow a further zergling is spawned from the corpse a la "Black Arrow". There would probably need to be some limit on this ability so that zerglings don't take over the whole game.
"Spell Armor" (Buff?)
Temporary mass buff, like Roar, that gives friendly units spell imunity. Duration increases with spell level.
"Seize" (Unit Targeted)
Blinks a targeted enemy unit to the location of the casting hero. Limited range which might increase with spell level. Nasty spell to use on a damaged hero trying to run away.
"Muster" (Unit or Area targeted)
Teleports unit(s) owned by player from anywhere on the map to the location of the hero a la Starcraft arbiter "Recall". Cooldown could decrease with level, or AoE or units-at-a-time could increase.
"Synergy" (Hero Targeted)
Upon targeting another player-owned hero, both heroes are "melded" together, creating a super-hero with combined HP, Mana, Strength, Agility, and Intelligence (further multiplied or added to by some number). After a duration, or at the players discretion the super-hero splits back to the original two heroes. The super-hero should actually be a morphed version of the original hero who has this ability, so he will still have the same items and other abilities. The other used hero would essentially be hidden. Spell immunity might also be a good thing for the super-hero. This should probably be an Ultimate ability.
"Avenging Bomb" (Ultimate)
When the hero dies they release a LARGE explosion that does decreasing damage with distance from epicenter. I have already experimented with this using suped-up landmine explosions.
And some very simple ones I would like to see on a "tank" hero.
Attack Range Upgrade.
Splash Damage Upgrade, with increasing radius per level.
Gargoyle style stone form, but applied to a hero.