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Spellbook spell order X/Y

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Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
Ok how can i desice where wich ability will be.

Like i am adding spells to spellbook.
Have Spell Book
Have Blizz Book-inside Blizzard, Holy Book-inside Holy Light
Blizzard will be always before Holy light, even if i put Holy light before than i put Blizz... hot to put spells in order i want ?
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
The spells appear in the spellbook in the order they are loaded into the game. Thus, normally, they occur in the order you list them in the spellbook (though passives take button x/y normally), but if another unit has one of those abilities but not the others, and is created before a unit with the spellbook, that ability will be listed first.

Catch my drift, or should I rephrase that?
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Button X
Button Y
think top of object editor for a spell
Level 1
Apr 15, 2008
I'm not sure if its appropriate for me to post here, but it seems on topic to me

Can you add Attack, Stop and Hold position into a spell book?
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
I seriously need to know how to order the icons in the spell book... it's really getting on my nerves.

Any tips?

Edit: Nevermind, I fixed it... strangely... by setting max spells and min spells to the value of spells and disabling spells that the player hasn't got yet.
Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
OK first of all, icon that is putted 1st in spellbook will be in 1st slot.
When u remove 1st aded spell from book, you add 2nd, and then u add 1st, again that 1st will be before that second, you cna change this only by removing spellbook and ading again empty spellbook, or you can put all spells in spellbook by order you want and then remove it, so they take their slots, then add it, if u didnt understand let me know. there are few spellbook tutorials here on hive

"I'm not sure if its appropriate for me to post here, but it seems on topic to me

Can you add Attack, Stop and Hold position into a spell book?" i dont know... i think now, but ask some1 else

i got my spellbook system, that can have 8 spells in it, each new spell has next hotkey, q w e r a s d f , and they can be removed and again added, or new ones added.
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
There are abilities called Attack, Stop and Hold Position as far as I know. They don't seem to have icons though, but perhaps if you gave them icons and added them to the spellbook then they would work? :S
Level 12
Apr 27, 2008
"I'm not sure if its appropriate for me to post here, but it seems on topic to me
Can you add Attack, Stop and Hold position into a spell book?"
Ofcourse. The first thing that springs to my mind is adding dummy abilities and making triggers for when they are being cast to order the unit to attack, stop etc.
Level 12
Apr 27, 2008
Which comamnds?
The way i described it you will have the standart commands(attack hold stop move patrol) and a spellbook. In the spell book you will have the dummy commands(attack hold stop move patrol) .
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