Spell Unit or Point Target with dummy

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Level 3
Jul 27, 2012
Basically i create spell with "Channel" ability with target type to Unit or Point Target, i triggered it by dummy unit, so like fireball dummy. I can move the dummy either unit or point target. but i can't triggered both, So I want to make spell,. if I targeted Point (target point of ability being cast), fireball will move to the Point target and damage every unit past over by fireball with certain distance.
And if I targeted Unit, fireball will move(chase) to target unit of ability being cast, and only damage the targeted unit only,. I have tried before, the problem is no condition that if I targeted point of ability being cast. Can this one ability possibly to target unit or point with trigger?
this my basic loop move trigger..
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Create a trigger
event: unit starts tge effect of an ability
create timer with 0 time
make it set targeted unit of ability being cast to null

then you can detect in your other trigger wether a unit is targeted or not
I csnnot give an example of the trigger so i hope that you understand this
Level 7
Jun 15, 2010
I have had the same problem as you, what i did is: check if unit is alive (boolean condition). If you selected a unit then the target must be alive. Else if you selected the ground, this turns false

very ez sollution
Level 3
Jul 27, 2012
ok thx for information chaosy, next time i will post in world editor help zone,
I have had the same problem as you, what i did is: check if unit is alive (boolean condition). If you selected a unit then the target must be alive. Else if you selected the ground, this turns false

very ez sollution
how u check "if you selected ground" ?
previously, i set angle[0] angle between caster to target-point, and angle[1] angle between dummy to target-unit, if i target to unit, the dummy move perfect, but if i target point, angle of dummy change, and not move to point target precisely

  • SolarBeam
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to SOLAR BEAM
    • Actions
      • Set SBeam_Caster = (Casting unit)
      • Set SBeam_Target = (Target unit of ability being cast)
      • Set SBeam_Point[0] = (Position of SBeam_Caster)
      • Set SBeam_Point[1] = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Set SBeam_Angle[0] = (Angle from (Position of SBeam_Caster) to (Target point of ability being cast))
      • Set SBeam_Distance[0] = 1000.00
      • Set SBeam_Distance[1] = (Distance between (Position of SBeam_Caster) and (Position of SBeam_Target))
      • Set SBeam_Speed[0] = 3.00
      • Unit - Create 1 SolarBeamDummy for (Owner of SBeam_Caster) at (SBeam_Point[0] offset by 30.00 towards SBeam_Angle[0] degrees) facing SBeam_Angle[0] degrees
      • Set SBeam_Dummy[0] = (Last created unit)
      • Set SBeam_Angle[1] = (Angle from (Position of SBeam_Dummy[0]) to (Position of SBeam_Target))
      • Trigger - Turn on SBeamLoop <gen>
Last edited:
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Event: Unit starts the effect of an ability
Condition: Ability being cast equal to Solar Beam
If (Targeted unit of ability being cast is alive)#1 then
"Ability is cast on a unit. Use Targeted unit of ability being cast as the unit."
"Ability is cast on ground. Use Targeted poin of ability being cast as the location."

#1 (could probably also be not equal to no unit)
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