[Spell Request] Lightning Vortex

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Level 6
Jun 11, 2009
Lightning Vortex - [Level 1-3]

Thunderwrath sends a bolt of lightning that will steal a units mana and return it to him. When the target is hit by the vortex they take damage over time. If targeted on a hero and their hit points are below a % they will be instantly killed and all their mana will be converted to Thunderwraths current mana pool. Last 4 seconds.

Level 1 - absorbs 150 mana, deals 25 dps, 10% life left for instant kill.
Level 2 - absorbs 250 mana, deals 35 dps, 12% life left for instant kill.
Level 3 - absorbs 350 mana, deals 45 dps, 14% life left for instant kill.

Please and thank you. +rep
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