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spell request if anyone have time...

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Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
its for my lotr map that im making i making 2 maps actually 1 is AoS and 1 is mui...

and i need some spells and this map gona be very cool... i mean it.
i have showed some screenshots before and some people know im making this map.... and i never give up.... so hara it what i need for spells.....

would be best if thy where done in GUI so i easy can edit them xD..

6. also a spell for boromir. its fear of gondor sumthing. u activate the spells and everything in area of 600 AoE get weaker for 15 seconds its also gona be 4 levels.
and some very cool effects when u have it :D activated i mean xD

7. an new spell. its gona be a monatail cocktail or what its called when u cast this on the unit u select it gona make the unit warstomp but not warstomp gona look like an little explosion because its like a granade u cast but not a granade. cast rang 600 lvl 1 and its gona be 4 levels and damage is also 4 levels :D

8. have 1 more spell its rain of fire. should be autocast when u klick on the spell on the position u are and not damage the unit and shake the camera while casting it :D
and much bigger then normal :p

10. a fake spell it makes ur hero fake the unit like. he jumps around the unit when hes attacking like. first hes on the side and when the other unit attacks he moves to the other side so he miss. gona be 4 levels aswell. so mybe 10% chance to fake and 15% and and 20% and then 25%

11. a spell for beorn when u activate it ur go slower but ur have much more attack bonus but it makes ur hero slower 4 levels aswell.

13. then i need a spell that makes my hero invisible or sumthing liek that and he can shoot while invisible on enemys and also 4 levels mybe 7 sec 10 sec 13 sec 16 sec or sumthign like that :p

Its all for now it will be more later

i have a few more spells coming then im finished xD


  • SUper cool.JPG
    SUper cool.JPG
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Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
I'm not that good with spells but at least I know how you can make one of them.

- Base a spell of channel and make it target ground.

  • Your Spell
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to <Your Spell>
    • Actions
      • Set Point = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 512.00 of Point) and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • (Owner of (Picked unit)) Equal to (Owner of (Casting unit))
            • Then - Actions
              • Unit - Set life of (Picked unit) to 100.00%
            • Else - Actions
This still contains leaks and stuf but basicly you need something like this. (If you don't want a dummy unit.)
To bad I'm not that good with GUI, custom scripts are a pain in the ass... xD
Level 8
Mar 23, 2007
Hi, finaly a thread ^^, ok lets go

that was the information u gave me:
spells deep info

Name: Blood Blades
gona transform red grom hellscream into red colored hellscream colour red 255 blue 0 green 0
but i want thos blood lust effects on the hands. and when he attacks an enemy make cool blood effect on them.
and he gains 10% armor and 200% damage and he have this for 15 seconds. make so i easy can change the armor etc...

Name: Horn Of Gondor
nearby enemies flees for 30 seconds = they cant attack him aswell. make a cool sound of a horn when he makes the effect. so the units flee from the hero and make a cool effect when he cast the spell

Name: unknown
Passive spell that makes haldir have 10% chance that an attack will do 50% more damage and stun the enemy for 2 seconds. and when he attack make cool blue effect on each hand like chain lightning missile. the little round missile. so it looks like he got power when he do this 10% chance attack and when he hit make blood on the unit.

name: unkwnon super jump mybe
for glorfindel he jump to the enemy u select range 700 and if u can make him spin around when he jumping and when he hit make attack animation and make blood effect on the unit. and when he starts jumkping make blue effect on each hand so it looks cool. damage 500

name: unknown create a ring of cropse in area of 700 level 1 800 level 2 900 level 3 and in the ring make every thing that enters or are in the area weaker. 50% weaker only units. and so when he goes in and attack there he owns every thing. and make some cool effect in the area if u can.

Name: windwalk
makes u can attack while ur invisible.

Name: Whirlwind
transform elrond to a whirlwind or tornado size 4.0 big one. and when the whirlewind goes over unit make them lose speed and damaged, so it looks cool and make cool effect on the ground there he going. and when he transform to the tornado it should look good not liek u see a demon hunter devil lol or sumthign like that should look very good.
the best is if u make that unit throws away while u go over them :p if its possible.....

name: unkwown
1 jump spell for bombadil.... he jump from a location to another location very high and fast speed and u gona select the area like blizzard u select a big area... and make a gib dummy for thunder clap. area of damage 400.
cast range 800 or 900 duno doesent matter :p

So i simply attach the Maps, that the spell done.
Pls note, they are only coded in a raw way, means i will
have a second look on every spell after i finished all.

If there is somthing i should change then let me know.

greets Equal

Edit1: ok I added the last map, and updated/cleaned all the other spells.
they are mostly Leak free and 100% MUI.


  • Spell - Perma Invisi.w3x
    42 KB · Views: 32
  • Spell - Bloodblades.w3x
    40.6 KB · Views: 47
  • Spell - Critical Bash.w3x
    43.2 KB · Views: 45
  • Spell - Dead Ring.w3x
    45.2 KB · Views: 55
  • Spell - Horn of Gondor.w3x
    45.6 KB · Views: 55
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Level 8
Mar 23, 2007
As redscores says, its a bad idea, that destroyes the orginality of your map.
People playing your map, seeing that kind of spell will say "HEY i know this spell
its from DOTA" instead of "WOW, what a nice spell"

However, its a little for me to change it, so the decision is up to u.
And the Horn -.- MAN IT LOOKS SO COOL!!! but ok i remove it.

greets equal
Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
hehe ok but the thing is i gona use another effect then the one dota use i dont find the effect O:
but its gonga look liek a ring like that.. hmm so if u could edit it so it looks like that. but hmm i must find what name of that effect instead of that corpse thing dota use .....

i find it = undead Disspiate in spawned effects

the map= its a spell there named ignite... i tryed to do so it makes damage to other units enemys when it cast it but i couldent do that if some one could edit that xD


  • balrog2.w3x
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Level 8
Mar 23, 2007
The Paladins Armor Aura, u can change it to give Procentual Bonus instead fix.
U can use Negative Vauls aswell.

Edit: ok, i have changed the maps.
I em finished with helping here, hf with them but dont ask for more.

greets Equal


  • Spell - Horn of Gondor - No HornEffect.w3x
    44.3 KB · Views: 45
  • Spell - Dead Ring - Other Effect.w3x
    45 KB · Views: 41
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4.shadow walk gollum makes him invurable and make him black and for 25 sec Lvl1 lvl2 = 35 lvl3 = 45 sec its not that one u make pala this is another one.

5. blood desiecer take life from the enemy u hit passie spell. liek when u hit the enemy = attack take lvl1 take 5 points life from him lvl 2 = 10
lvl 3 15

6. a shield.. u activate when lvl 1 5 sec lvl 2 10 sec lvl 3 15 sec so when u activate this shield when enemy attacks they get very damaged or if they cast spells they get also very damaged

7. and if anyone knows a spell that make u teleport to area cant be blink allready in use for this hero.. so u can teleport where u want...

8. a passive mana drainer a spell that drains mana from enemy units in area of 300 lvl 1 and 400 lvl2 and 500 lvl 3
its AoE area

The quoted will be done by me now.


Off-Topic: Well...try to avoid spelling mistakes if possible ;)

Im sorry but i wont be able to make them now.
If another one wants to make them-please take the request ;)
Else ill come back and do them as soon as im able to.
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Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Spell number 12, Time Stop:

View attachment 38770

Everything is easy to customize, but didn't add the wisp effect cuz i don't know what model you use for Elrond, and it is pretty much easy to add yourself.
I can make it instant cast,but i think it is cooler for the caster to choose where to stop time.
To make the unit black just add this:
  • Actions - Unit change vertex colloring to 0%,0%,0%(something like this, can't remember the correct trigger type)
And revert it later.
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ok ill start doing them now and will post first results. making them all mui will take too much time for now, if you want single ones mui later-ill do that.


PS: Ill start making 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 11. and 14.

EDIT: 4-8 are complete. You will find the five spells here:


  • Paladons Spells (For Shanghai#5).w3x
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Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
I am pretty sure it doesn't. You see, Location and Unit groups (among others) do leak, because the functions ( "Location of (Unit)", "Units in range" and so on) create a NEW struct, the units don't leaks, because the functions ("Picked Unit", "Casting unit") only return a REFERENCE to already existing unit, so it can't leak.

I run a little experiment to prove i am right:
"Picked unit", 14 000 calls/sec....... 1.5MB in 10 minutes
"Location of (Unit)", 14 000 calls/sec ..........80MB in 20 sec

The map i run was exactly the same both times, except the first time i stored the unit in the variable, second time it's position.
(The 1.5MB is a natural memory growth)
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