Hello all. I tried to make a "Jump" spell in GUI but i didnt arrive can you tell me what i did wrong so i can correct it... Thx for all answers.
I made this code with help of some people... but i dont know what to do Now... :roll:
I have replace values... but it doesnt work... i need some help guys. That's the code
f = Angle of the unit
Cos = Cosinus
Sin = Sinus
* = Multiplication
K = Coefficient of height's variation
H = Maximal Height
T = Total time
O = Original Position
speed = coeficient that make vary distance/height of the jump
for fz H - ( vitesse * k * (t - (T/2) ))²
for fx: Ox + (vitesse * t) * cos f
for fy: Oy + (vitesse * t) * sin f
I made this code with help of some people... but i dont know what to do Now... :roll:
I have replace values... but it doesnt work... i need some help guys. That's the code
Event: Temps - Every 0.04 seconds of game time
Set t = (t + 0.04)
Animation - Change UnitSaut flying height to (H - ( vitesse * k * (t - (T/2) ))²) at 0.04
Unité - Move UnitSaut instantly to ((Position of UnitSaut) offset by ((vitesse * 0.04) * cos f), (vitesse * 0.04) * sin f)
f = Angle of the unit
Cos = Cosinus
Sin = Sinus
* = Multiplication
K = Coefficient of height's variation
H = Maximal Height
T = Total time
O = Original Position
speed = coeficient that make vary distance/height of the jump
for fz H - ( vitesse * k * (t - (T/2) ))²
for fx: Ox + (vitesse * t) * cos f
for fy: Oy + (vitesse * t) * sin f