Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
Hi, I was just wondering if there was a way that I could make spells that do a set amount of damage, plus a variable that is based upon a certain hero stat (Str,Agi,Int); Like in EotA. Thank You. :roll:
When a unit finishes casting an ability, check to se that the ability is one that does damage, and then, use the new damage function to order the casting unit to attack the target with damage equal to a constant X an attribute.
actually you have to use unit starts the effect of an ability as the event, because that's the only way you can use event response - casting unit. The rest of what Raven said is right.
over time intervals... jus do like wait every how many seconds and change life of target unit of ability to watever.. or something like that... not very sure with that tho... sorry
oki got a simple idea not shure it will work...this is easyer if there only can be one type of each hero but here it goes...
event unit cast spell
condition spell type = to wut ever
set verable _____ to casting unit
then change the casting unit useing the verable in stead of casting unit(theres an action that does this dont know it off hand)it to natral passive
move unit ____ intantly to ____ region
hide ____ unit
then unhind the other unit and move it to ____ unit and change its palyer to the owner of ______(may have to move this to like right before switch)
this can be done just make shure u add waits and time it out i think it will work
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