spell creating...

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Level 4
Apr 14, 2012
Hey guys I need help for creating some of my spells on my RPG map. If there is someone who would like to help it would be very nice, because somehow I think of spells which are hard to create. ;D

- Ultimate - Tidal Wave ( An Instant cast water spell. A Giant Tidal Wave dealing 5x Int damage in a line and knocking back all enemies it hits by 200 range. Cooldown: 35 sec. ) Don't forget it has to knock them only backwards not in any directions. ;D

This is one of the spells, if someone can make it for me I would appreciate it rly much. Thank you. =)
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Level 4
Apr 14, 2012
So you say that this spell has Instant-effect which upon cast, in which direction does the Tidal Wave will appear and move to ?

Appear right at position of caster and move towards direction facing of caster ?

Yes, exactly.
Or you can add 1- 1.5 seconds cast time, I don't care. It would even be better. =)
Level 4
Apr 14, 2012
Thank you very much man. The spell is awesome, I just have the question: Can I change the huge Waterfall with other spell animation (dunno how btw)? I give u rep :p thank you very much.
Level 4
Apr 14, 2012
What do you meant by "spell animation" ?
You want to change that Waterfall to another "model" ?
If so, just change it at TD Setup trigger.

I ment the special effect. It's just too big and it would lag on my RPG. Because the map is big and the terrain is realy full of doodads. Made it as more realistic as I could. :D
Level 4
Apr 14, 2012
You want it realistic, but want it light special effect ?

Ok, I changed the SFX creation, it should be light now.

Okay thanks very much, I've posted a spell on ur topic called Death's Embrace.
I will see this one as soon as I get home, because I'm not at home atm. Thank you again for everything. :goblin_yeah:
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