Spawn Life Well

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Unique ability for the Lifebinder Unit in my campaign!

Spawn Life Well - [W]
The Lifebinder bends and concentrates the life energies below Shavanoth, bursting from the surface and forming a well.
Creates a Life Well in a target location, providing both passive and active healing capabilities from a limited mana pool.

175 mana cost, 45 sec cooldown.
Requires Adept Training.

Life Wells are basically summoned Moon Well "Wards".

They spawn in with only 25hp and a full mana pool of 300, which "decays" rapidly.
Burning 10 mana per second and the Life Well instantly expiring when reaching 0, the Life Well provides a passive 10 HP burst heal to all allies in 500 AoE every 3 seconds.
Additionally, allies may right-click the Well and instantly restore 2 HP per point of mana, just as if it were a Moon Well.

When either the Life Well's HP, mana or summon duration reaches 0, it explodes, restoring a final 25-50 HP to all friendlies in 500 AoE.

Spawn Life Well (Icon)
