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[Trigger] Spawing a unit after completeing an upgrade.

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Level 7
Jul 13, 2004
Can anyone help me out with why this trigger isn't working? It all seems right for me, but it refuses to spawn the unit.
  • Unit Workshop 0109 <gen> finishes an upgrade
  • (Researched tech-type Equal to Create Gate
  • Create 1 Wooden Gate (Closed) for Player 1 (Red) At Center of Region GateSpawn <gen> facing Default building degrees
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Level 11
May 31, 2008
Are you sure that the wooden gate has a model? I only say this cuz its a doodad. Try making it in world editor just to make sure that you can see it, but thats prolly not the problem im just tryin to think of something that could be wrong lol.
Level 5
Jan 25, 2006
use unit type!
Make sure your upgrade is actually an upgrade and not an ability, unit, item, etc.

condition:unit type workshop finishes an upgrade bla bla...
event: blah blah
Action: DESTRUCTABLE - create 1 gate and you know the rest

Or you can use a dummy. Set an zone indicator called create gate.
add the unit to be sold by your workshop
now for triggers:
unit finishes training a unit
unit type of trained unit - the name
your action
Level 7
Jul 13, 2004
Thanks for all the suggestions guys:

@onix_noob I did jackass, now stop trying to up your post count by trying to help as many people as you can in less than 15 characters.

@ SlickR the trigger is:

Event: Workshop finishes an upgrade
Condition: upgrade equal to Create Gate
Action: Spawn 01 Wooden Gate (horizontal) [which is a unit] at center of region (or a zone indicator)

and it still does not work.

@Element of Water you can indeed make a gate system with units (and it's a lot better than using the destructibles, as you can keep relative health/armor as well as give it upgrades etc.)

To me, it personally doesn't make sense why it doesn't spawn. The trigger should work fine, The unit is placeable on all terrain, there's room where it's supposed to spawn, and it still refuses to work.

I'm starting to believe it's a problem with recognizing upgrades via GUI triggers, as all my triggers (that should 100% work) revolving around a specific upgrade don't work at all. The condition // event seems to not work at all and I have no clue why.
Level 7
Jul 13, 2004
Don't mean to double-post, but I fixed the problem. Twas merely a combination of syntax and misunderstanding. I was using the event finishes an upgrade (which refers to upgrading like a cannon tower) the correct event I was looking for was finishes research. :S
Don't mean to double-post, but I fixed the problem. Twas merely a combination of syntax and misunderstanding. I was using the event finishes an upgrade (which refers to upgrading like a cannon tower) the correct event I was looking for was finishes research. :S
Instead of double posting, you can edit posts. I suggest you delete that post and put what you said in it into the previous post via edit.
Level 5
Jan 25, 2006
Make sure you have the upgrade placed in the "upgrades sold" element of the shop and not sell it as a unit if you are checking for an upgrade.

If you use dummy set it to be sold as a unit and then use my triggers i posted earlier.

Could you also post your triggers fully, to see whats you've done exactly!
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