Sound Issue - Help

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I have a trigger, where a sound is played every x seconds. The seconds "x" are defined through a formula. The problem is that when the formula number decreases (which means that the sound should be played in a higher frequency), the sound plays stimulaneously with the previous sound, like overriding it, making it just sound louder. How to play seriate sounds up to my formula? Know that when the result of the formula increases, the frequency of playing the sound decreases and when the formula decreases, the frequency increases.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Can you explain that a little bit better?
You're using a complex structure for your sentence, which doesn't make any sense to me.

But the fact that the sound plays simultaniously might indicate that you do not remove the sound, creating a leak ^^

Off to the problem:
Do you want the sound to be played faster? (or what do you want?).
Ok, here's the deal.
I have a trigger that runs every 0.5 seconds, counting the percentage life of my unit. In the same trigger, i have an action that adds an event in another trigger, which looks like this:
Trigger - Add to Trigger2 <gen> the event (Time - Every (1.16 x (HB_LifePercent[(Player number of (Player((Integer A))))] / 100.00)) seconds of game time)

As you can see, i cannot make a naked event in the other trigger to look like this, since the percent variable is an array, and events won't take arrays.
Now, in Trigger2 (where i give this custom event), i play a sound.
The sound though, won't be played one after another in a faster way (up to the percentage life of the unit), based off the seconds of the event, but it sounds on the previous one, making it sound the same even if the percent of life reaches 100% or 10%.
What it should do is like a heartbeat; when you are in a normal state, your heart beats every second. When you have run, your heart beats faster in a higher frequency. This is what i want; how to achieve such effect? And, if it is indeed a matter of leaking, destroying the sound means that i get no sound :/
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