Sound File Conversion, Unit Soundsets Help

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Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Hi, I am fairly new to Starcraft II editing (quite good on Warcraft III, but the galaxy editor is just mindblowingly difficult). A friend and I are hopefully going to make a map where we upload our own custom sounds and music into the game to be used in the game. Naievely I assumed I could just import and use it straight away. This is no the case.

When I record with my mic, the files are in WMA. Starcraft II doesn't seem to like WMA, I've heard it much preffers OGG or MP3 or something. I am just wondering if anyone could reccomend a cheap and safe way of getting the files useable in the editor.

I would also like to know how I could create a custom unit soundset. As far as I am aware, I need to go into the data editor and go to the sound file, but after that I am stumped. I am not entirely sure what to do.

I am pretty sure I can work out how to make sounds play at certain points by loading up some campaign files, it is just making units use certain soundsets and getting the sounds imported in the first place.

I apologise if there is a tutorial about this I haven't found. Just link it to me if there is.

In summary:
1 - how can I make WMA sound files useable in the Galaxy Editor?
2 - how can I make units use my custom soundsets?
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Level 7
Jul 1, 2004
You would have to find a program to convert it for you or use a program that can save them as mp3's (Audacity?) As for importing you would have to look that up on how to import custom sounds, then its just going to actors (Unit name) Scroll down to sounds then edit sounds - sounds You will be able to change specifically what the unit will want to say for each action. If all goes well your imported data should be in there and its simple changing from default to custom. I hope this helps

Level 3
Mar 23, 2008
abit of a necro, but just wanted to help out :p

1 - i dont think this is actually possible. youll need to find a way of converting WMA to another format (mp4 for example), then convert that into a format recognised by sc2. if you need a good mp3/wav to ogg converter, get SWITCH sound file converter; its free and pretty reliable (i converted a 23MB FLAC audio file into a 467 kb ogg file by altering the bit rate)

2 - import your sounds into your map; once youve done that, replace the soundset (or make a new one) for the unit with your custom sounds.

example: Terran Marine has various soundsets; Marine_Attack, Marine_Yes, Marine_Pissed and so on.

i want to replace the Marine_Attack soundset with my custom sounds. to do this, ill need to find the files that i imported into my map (i.e say i imported a sound called MarineYesAttack1 under the file path of Assets\Sounds\...).

click on 'Sound Assets +' in Marine_Attack. delete all of the sounds in the list there, and right click, then 'Add Sound...'. locate your imported file and press ok, then exit the 'Sound Assets +' popup box. test in-game and you should find that your custom sound will be replaced (provided that you have a unit that uses the soundset)
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