Heres my unofficial review on your campaign.
The Good:
1. Good, refreshing storyline.
The Medicore:
1. Terrain, a little bland.
The Bad:
1. Punctuation
2. Some bad triggers
3. No custom spells
4. No non-game camera angles
Can I give you some recommendations?
You've got a good idea for your story, and have got some nice cinematics. Unfortunately your cinematics are let down by bad punctuation and the lack of any interesting camera angles. I understand that your english may not be the best so get someone else to help with prof reading your dialog. Add some new camera angles. Not just the Warcraft 3 game camera. Can I also suggest changing the name of the kingdom from Endor. Not sure whether or not you have seen StarWars of whether you came up with it.
The hero's are likable, but it is impossible to tell the difference between the two in the 1st chapter, because they are the same model. Create some diversity by perhaps using Arthas with Frostmourne as one of the brothers or even try attaching your own weapon attachments. If you don't know how look at this helpful tutorial by konerboy:
How to: Attach weapons to units that allready have weapons (without modelling)
Also try to give the brothers some custom spells (not just Paladin ones).
On the first level, I suggest reducing number of Human defenders under your command and Orc attackers. There were so many that the units at the back were unable to attack the opposition. Either that or widening the gate so that more units can get through.
Fix some triggers. The second chapter doesn't have a button on the 'Chapter Select' window after you've beaten the last chapter. Perhaps making the gate in the second chapter open when you walk over the circle of power with the key might be helpful. It took far to long for me to bash my way through it.
Instead of destroying your prison gate in the third chapter, make it open. When units are talking to each other, make them face the unit they are talking to. In chapter two when you are ambushed by the raider and the Night Elf archers help you, spread the trees out a bit more so that they can actually get close enough to shoot at the raider. Only one was close enough.
I'm sorry that was so long. Keep up the good work. 2/5 from me.
This is due to the campaign being incomplete so far (it's a demo, I know) and the incompleteness of the chapters bringing the mark down. My score will be greatly boosted if you fix all of the above.
Happy mapping.
The Mechanic