I'm in the early, this-might-never-happen development stages of a campaign and I've created a sort of tweaked human techtree for it, and I'm aiming for something where no unit becomes obsolete towards late game, but I've hit something that requires me to make a decision and I'm really bad at that so I need some brainstormers to hop in and help me decide 
Ok, so the situation is as follows:
I've edited the human priest to a full support role, where he doesn't attack (still under debate) but instead, all three of his abilities are autocast - so the priest has 3 possible automatic supportive roles.
Spell 1 is the regular heal, Spell 2 is Abolish Magic used to replace the Dispel Magic that priests regularly have, and Spell 3 is Inner Fire tweaked for a shorter duration (for example 6 seconds - thus 1 priest could keep 6 people at a time blessed with Inner Fire)
However, I have kept the Spell Breakers, and the problem is that spell breakers have the Spell Steal, which would render the new Priests' Dispel useless - or even a bad choice because you'd be destroying buffs you could potentially use - and that's something I want to avoid.
So this is basically my predicament.
One of the ideas I had was to A) move the Spell Steal and give it to priests instead of Abolish Magic, but that would surely make Adept Priests slightly too powerful.
The other choices I see are B) replace Abolish Magic with some other autocast spell like Curse or Faerie Fire, simply C) let it be and accept it as a feature rather than a flaw, or D) remove Spell Steal entirely.
If anyone has any thoughts or other suggestions for solutions, please let me know
P.S.: I would upload a map with the units I've mentioned but it's currently a mess as this campaign is a revival of an old attempt that I haven't finished and I'm still weeding out some bad choices from 2012.
Ok, so the situation is as follows:
I've edited the human priest to a full support role, where he doesn't attack (still under debate) but instead, all three of his abilities are autocast - so the priest has 3 possible automatic supportive roles.
Spell 1 is the regular heal, Spell 2 is Abolish Magic used to replace the Dispel Magic that priests regularly have, and Spell 3 is Inner Fire tweaked for a shorter duration (for example 6 seconds - thus 1 priest could keep 6 people at a time blessed with Inner Fire)
However, I have kept the Spell Breakers, and the problem is that spell breakers have the Spell Steal, which would render the new Priests' Dispel useless - or even a bad choice because you'd be destroying buffs you could potentially use - and that's something I want to avoid.
Abolish Magic and Spell Steal target the same buffs, except that Abolish Magic destroys them, while Spell Steal transfers them to a different target. Abolishing spells that could be useful to the player when there are Spell Breakers in the fight would basically mean the player is robbing him/herself of buffs s/he could potentially use
So this is basically my predicament.
One of the ideas I had was to A) move the Spell Steal and give it to priests instead of Abolish Magic, but that would surely make Adept Priests slightly too powerful.
The other choices I see are B) replace Abolish Magic with some other autocast spell like Curse or Faerie Fire, simply C) let it be and accept it as a feature rather than a flaw, or D) remove Spell Steal entirely.
If anyone has any thoughts or other suggestions for solutions, please let me know
P.S.: I would upload a map with the units I've mentioned but it's currently a mess as this campaign is a revival of an old attempt that I haven't finished and I'm still weeding out some bad choices from 2012.