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Some good warcraft 3 campaign

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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I want to play some good wc3 campaigns that should not be more than 60 ive already the lord of the clans,rise of the lich king, old gods. The last guardian, jeopardy for the horde, day of the dragon ,ressurection of the scourge and avatar of ice , coming of the horde etc. Now i think only u all can help me with a campaign under 60 mb or a little more than that.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I've played legends of arkain the first human book and the others are too big for me to download, however I'll malfurions quest and the first orc book

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I just played it, not that good as a campaign (Its good but old)

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Yeah!!!! thats really good but as long as I remember there is a campaign out there called wanderers of soceria is it good?

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

birth of shadows??? never heard the name before... I'll try it out
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