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So much work for nothing... Help?

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Level 7
Apr 13, 2008
I made an RPG but I cannot find an EASY saving system that saves hero, stats, level and inventory. I searched everywhere, but they are always so hard... :cry: Now I don't know what to do... Some1 please help me! And I still didn't find out how to make a unit respawn when it is killed and how to make players not to share their resources and no single player trigger... Help this newb pls! :cry: :cute: :witch_doc_sad:
Level 9
Jul 1, 2005
Save systems rely on algorithms so you need to be able to save an algorithym.

Unit respawning, you need to make a trigger for the game check for an event, unit of type dies, and then create a new unit of type in region xxx.

Can't help you with that...

The no single player trigger is a bad idea, because a lot of people like to play test an rpg before they host it, to see if it's worth hours of play-time.

If they can't solo it, they toss it in the recycling bin.

You can decide to make a trigger that checks for players, and starts a timer when the game is down to one player.

With the warning, you are the only one playing this game! The game will be ended in 15 minutes!

I feel that something like that would be more fair than just autokicking someone wanting to look around.

good luck
Level 9
Jan 23, 2008
I do not know if you solved your problem but for save & load i may help you because i haved this problem once ... so without further advices here u are ... :

For Saving :

function Trig_SaveGame_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer save_agi
    local integer save_int
    local integer save_str
    local integer save_xp
    local string save_code = "Here's your code: "
    set save_agi = GetHeroAgi(udg_RedHero , false)
    set save_int = GetHeroInt(udg_RedHero , false)
    set save_str = GetHeroStr(udg_RedHero , false)
    set save_xp = GetHeroXP(udg_RedHero)
    set save_code = save_code + I2S(StringLength(I2S(save_xp)))
    set save_code = save_code + I2S(StringLength(I2S(save_agi)))
    set save_code = save_code + I2S(StringLength(I2S(save_int)))
    set save_code = save_code + I2S(StringLength(I2S(save_str)))
    set save_code = save_code + I2S(save_xp)
    set save_code = save_code + I2S(save_agi)
    set save_code = save_code + I2S(save_int)
    set save_code = save_code + I2S(save_str)
    call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll() , save_code )

For Loading

function Trig_LoadGame_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer xplen
    local integer agilen
    local integer intlen
    local integer strlen
    local integer load_xp
    local integer load_agi
    local integer load_int
    local integer load_str
    local integer strpos = 10
    local string msg = GetEventPlayerChatString()
    set xplen = S2I(SubString(msg,6,7))
    set agilen = S2I(SubString(msg,7,8))
    set intlen = S2I(SubString(msg,8,9))
    set strlen = S2I(SubString(msg,9,10))
    set load_xp = S2I(SubString(msg,strpos,strpos+xplen))
    set strpos = strpos + xplen
    set load_agi = S2I(SubString(msg,strpos,strpos+agilen))
    set strpos = strpos + agilen
    set load_int = S2I(SubString(msg,strpos,strpos+intlen))
    set strpos = strpos + intlen
    set load_str = S2I(SubString(msg,strpos,strpos+strlen))
    call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll() , "XP: "+I2S(load_xp)+" Agi: "+I2S(load_agi)+" Int: "+I2S(load_int)+" Str: "+I2S(load_str) )

Hope i helped you ... ! :thumbs_up::wink:
Level 7
Apr 13, 2008
Here's the RPG. I just started it and I have putted the basics. Still I need to modify terrain and stuff. If some1 can put a saving system which saves heroes, stats,items AND TEAM! I will giv credits and I will be very glad if someone helps me. Thanks to the guys that wanted to help me. The helper gets rep from all my friends :xxd: :thumbs_up: :con: .... :grin:


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