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- Jan 31, 2012
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This library automatically removes the most part of memory leaks, including locs, rects, effects, groups and forces. Works even in GUI-triggers.
All what You need to use this is to copy the source code to Your map.
If You do not need to destroy some object, You can disable the system writing "ALL_Remove = false" before creating "leak" and "ALL_Remove = true" after that.
It catches all (I hope) calls of functions return objects of types that need destroying and removes leaks by timer of 0. Also, the system replaces leaking BJ's (like GetUnitsInRectMatching(...)) with their clear analogs.
All what You need to use this is to copy the source code to Your map.
If You do not need to destroy some object, You can disable the system writing "ALL_Remove = false" before creating "leak" and "ALL_Remove = true" after that.
It catches all (I hope) calls of functions return objects of types that need destroying and removes leaks by timer of 0. Also, the system replaces leaking BJ's (like GetUnitsInRectMatching(...)) with their clear analogs.
library ALL {
include "cj_types_priv.j"
native int GetPlayerUnitTypeCount(player p, int unitid)
//Adapt to standard AntiBJ base
setdef GetPlayerStartLocationLoc(p) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetStartLocation##Loc(GetPlayerStartLocation(p)))
setdef GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll(r, l) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, null))
setdef GetUnitsInRectAll(r) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, null))
setdef GetUnitsOfPlayerAll(p) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, null))
setdef LoadLocationHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_RemoveLocation(LoadLocation##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef LoadRectHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_RemoveRect(LoadRect##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef LoadGroupHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_DestroyGroup(LoadGroup##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef LoadForceHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_DestroyForce(LoadForce##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef <call AddSpecialEffectLocBJ>(l, s) = call ALL_AddSpecialEffectLocBJ(l, s)
setdef <call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ>(a, w, s) = call ALL_AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ(a, w, s)
//Rects created in CreateRegions will not pass through RemoveRect
setdef Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) = ALL_RemoveRect(Re##ct(minX, minY, maxX, maxY))
define {
<InitCustomTriggers()> = { InitCustom##Triggers(); ALL_Remove = true }
GetPlayerStartLocationLoc(p) = GetStartLocationLoc(GetPlayerStartLocation(p))
GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll(r, l) = GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, null)
GetUnitsInRectAll(r) = GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, null)
GetUnitsOfPlayerAll(p) = GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, null)
LoadLocationHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadLocationHandle(h, b, a)
LoadRectHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadRectHandle(h, b, a)
LoadGroupHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadGroupHandle(h, b, a)
LoadForceHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadForceHandle(h, b, a)
<call AddSpecialEffectLocBJ>(l, s) = bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectLoc(s, l)
<call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ>(a, w, s) = bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(a, w, s)
<GetCameraEyePositionLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetCameraEyePosition##Loc())
<GetCameraTargetPositionLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetCameraTargetPosition##Loc())
GetDestructableLoc(d) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_GetWidgetLoc(d))
GetItemLoc(i) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_GetWidgetLoc(i))
<GetOrderPointLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetOrderPoint##Loc())
GetRandomLocInRect(r) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetRandom##LocInRect(r))
GetRectCenter(r) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetRect##Center(r))
<GetSpellTargetLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetSpellTarget##Loc())
GetStartLocationLoc(i) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetStartLocation##Loc(i))
GetUnitLoc(u) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetUnit##Loc(u))
Location(x, y) = ALL_RemoveLocation(Loc##ation(x, y))
MeleeGetLocWithinRect(l, r) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_MeleeGetLocWithinRect(l, r))
MeleeGetProjectedLoc(l, targ, dist, a) = ALL_RemoveLocation(MeleeGet##ProjectedLoc(l, targ, dist, a))
OffsetLocation(l, x, y) = ALL_RemoveLocation(OffsetLoc##ation(l, x, y))
PolarProjectionBJ(l, r, a) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_PolarProjectionBJ(l, r, a))
WaygateGetDestinationLocBJ(u) = ALL_RemoveLocation(Waygate##GetDestinationLocBJ(u))
GetRectFromCircleBJ(l, r) = ALL_RemoveRect(ALL_RectFromCenterSizeBJ_GetRectFromCircleBJ(l, r, .0, false))
OffsetRectBJ(r, x, y) = ALL_RemoveRect(OffsetRect##BJ(r, x, y))
Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) = Re##ct(minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
RectFromCenterSizeBJ(l, width, heigth) = ALL_RemoveRect(ALL_RectFromCenterSizeBJ_GetRectFromCircleBJ(l, width, heigth, true))
RectFromLoc(min, max) = ALL_RemoveRect(RectFrom##Loc(min, max))
CountLivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeId(id, p) = GetPlayerUnitTypeCount(p, id)
GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, b) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, b))
GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, b) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, b))
GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer(r, p) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer(r, p))
GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(p, id) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(p, id))
GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, b) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, b))
GetUnitsOfTypeIdAll(id) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfTypeIdAll(id))
GetUnitsSelectedAll(p) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsSelectedAll(p))
GetForceOfPlayer(p) = ALL_GetForceOfPlayer(p)
GetPlayersAllies(p) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersAllies(p))
GetPlayersByMapControl(mc) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersByMapControl(mc))
GetPlayersEnemies(p) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersEnemies(p))
GetPlayersMatching(b) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersMatching(b))
<call ALL_AddSpecialEffectLocBJ>(l, s) = {
if ALL_Remove {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = null
DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectLoc(s, l))
} else {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectLoc(s, l)
<call ALL_AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ>(a, w, s) = {
if ALL_Remove {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = null
DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(s, w, a))
} else {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(s, w, a)
enum (ALL_Leak) {
private LocationLeak
private RectLeak
private GroupLeak
private ForceLeak
private constant timer Timer = CreateTimer()
private int MaxVar = -1
private int array LeakNum
private location array LocationVar
private rect array RectVar
private group array GroupVar
private force array ForceVar
private group Group
private force Force
public bool Remove = false
private void RemoveLeak() {
do {
if MaxVar:LeakNum < GroupLeak {
if MaxVar:LeakNum < RectLeak {
} else {
} elseif MaxVar:LeakNum < ForceLeak {
} else {
} whilenot --MaxVar < 0
public rect RemoveRect(rect leak) {
if Remove {
MaxVar:RectVar = leak
MaxVar:LeakNum = RectLeak
if MaxVar == 0 { TimerStart(Timer, .0, false, function RemoveLeak) }
return leak
public rect RectFromCenterSizeBJ_GetRectFromCircleBJ(location l, real width, real height, bool b) {
real x = GetLocationX(l), y = GetLocationY(l)
if b {
width = width * .5
height = height * .5
return Re##ct(x - width, y - height, x + width, y + height)
return Re##ct(x - width, y - width, x + width, y + width)
public location RemoveLocation(location leak) {
if Remove {
MaxVar:LocationVar = leak
MaxVar:LeakNum = LocationLeak
if MaxVar == 0 { TimerStart(Timer, .0, false, function RemoveLeak) }
return leak
public location GetWidgetLoc(widget w) {
return Loc##ation(GetWidgetX(w), GetWidgetY(w))
public location PolarProjection##BJ(location l, real r, real a) {
a = a * .017
return Loc##ation(GetLocationX(l) + Cos(a) * r, GetLocationY(l) + Sin(a) * r)
public location MeleeGetLoc##WithinRect(location l, rect r) {
real minX = GetRectMinX(r), maxX = GetRectMaxX(r), \
minY = GetRectMinY(r), maxY = GetRectMaxY(r), \
x = GetLocationX(l), y = GetLocationY(l)
if x < minX {
x = minX
} elseif x > maxX {
x = maxX
if y < minY {
return Loc##ation(x, minY)
} elseif y > maxY {
return Loc##ation(x, maxY)
return Loc##ation(x, y)
public group DestroyGroup(group leak) {
if Remove {
MaxVar:GroupVar = leak
MaxVar:LeakNum = GroupLeak
if MaxVar == 0 { TimerStart(Timer, .0, false, function RemoveLeak) }
return leak
public group GetUnitsInRange##OfLocMatching(real r, location l, boolexpr b) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(Group, l, r, b)
return Group
public group GetUnitsInRect##Matching(rect r, boolexpr b) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsInRect(Group, r, b)
return Group
public group GetUnitsInRect##OfPlayer(rect r, player p) {
Group = CreateGroup()
bj_groupEnumOwningPlayer = p
GroupEnumUnitsInRect(Group, r, filterGetUnitsInRectOfPlayer)
return Group
public group GetUnitsOfPlayer##Matching(player p, boolexpr b) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(Group, p, b)
return Group
public group GetUnitsOfPlayer##AndTypeId(player p, int id) {
Group = CreateGroup()
bj_groupEnumTypeId = id
GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(Group, p, filterGetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId)
return Group
public group GetUnitsOfTypeId##All(int id) {
group g = CreateGroup()
int i = 0
bj_groupAddGroupDest = CreateGroup()
bj_groupEnumTypeId = id
do {
GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g, Player(i), filterGetUnitsOfTypeIdAll)
ForGroup(g, function GroupAddGroupEnum)
exitwhen i == 15
g = null
return bj_groupAddGroupDest
public group GetUnits##SelectedAll(player p) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsSelected(Group, p, null)
return Group
public force DestroyForce(force leak) {
if Remove {
MaxVar:ForceVar = leak
MaxVar:LeakNum = ForceLeak
if MaxVar == 0 { TimerStart(Timer, .0, false, function RemoveLeak) }
return leak
public force GetForce##OfPlayer(player p) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceAddPlayer(Force, p)
return Force
public force GetPlay##ersAllies(player p) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceEnumAllies(Force, p, null)
return Force
public force GetPlayersByMap##Control(mapcontrol mc) {
player p = Player(0)
int i = 0
Force = CreateForce()
do {
if GetPlayerController(p) == mc {
ForceAddPlayer(Force, p)
exitwhen i == 15
p = Player(++i)
p = null
return Force
public force GetPlay##ersEnemies(player p) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceEnumEnemies(Force, p, null)
return Force
public force GetPlay##ersMatching(boolexpr b) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceEnumPlayers(Force, b)
return Force
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