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- Sep 26, 2009
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Ever wanted a zero second timer that didn't have any delay whatsoever? Well now you have it.
AppendThread simply takes a code that you want to run, and runs it after every other queued thread runs first.
This means that damage-blocking engines can now remove the life bonus abilities without risking any kind of split second delay.
It also means more functionality.
It has no requirements, is well-tested and should be implemented right away for anyone who needs to do some after-thread business!
AppendThread simply takes a code that you want to run, and runs it after every other queued thread runs first.
This means that damage-blocking engines can now remove the life bonus abilities without risking any kind of split second delay.
It also means more functionality.
It has no requirements, is well-tested and should be implemented right away for anyone who needs to do some after-thread business!
library AppendThread requires optional UnitIndexer
Append a code to the end of the existing thread. This is the perfect
replacement to 0-second timers as 0-second timers are not immediate.
Damage blocking systems which need to register INSTANTLY after the
damage is applied, this is your new best friend.
function AppendThread
code thread
Adds code "thread" to the end of the existing thread.
integer id
A thread id for attaching things like structs.
returns nothing
function GetAppendedThreadId
returns integer
Returns the thread id you specified in "AppendThread".
private constant integer DUMMY_ID = 'uloc' //This should be any unit that has locust
private module M
static unit u = null
static force dummyForce = CreateForce()
static trigger t = CreateTrigger()
static integer size = 0
static integer array data
static boolexpr array eval
static real store = 0 //Keep unit at top left of map.
static real trip = 0 //Move unit to bottom left of map to fire system.
private static method fire takes nothing returns boolean
if GetTriggerUnit() == .u then
call DisableTrigger(.t)
call SetUnitY(.u, .store)
set .size = .size - 1
call ForceEnumPlayersCounted(.dummyForce, .eval[.size], 1)
exitwhen .size == 0
return false
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local rect rct = GetWorldBounds()
local region r = CreateRegion()
local real x = GetRectMinX(rct) + 32
set .store = GetRectMaxY(rct) - 32
//Handle dummy unit that trips the event.
static if LIBRARY_UnitIndexer then
set UnitIndexer.enabled = false
set .u = CreateUnit(Player(15), DUMMY_ID, x, .store, 0)
static if LIBRARY_UnitIndexer then
set UnitIndexer.enabled = true
call ShowUnit(.u, false)
//Handle region that detects the event.
set .trip = GetRectMinY(rct) + 32
call SetRect(rct, x - 32, .trip - 32, x + 32, .trip + 32)
call RegionAddRect(r, rct)
//Condition for this event fires at end of thread.
call TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(.t, r, null)
call TriggerAddCondition(.t, Filter(function thistype.fire))
call DisableTrigger(.t)
call RemoveRect(rct)
set rct = null
set r = null
private struct S extends array
implement M
function AppendThread takes integer id, code c returns nothing
if S.size == 0 then
call EnableTrigger(S.t)
call SetUnitY(S.u, S.trip)
set S.data[S.size] = id
set S.eval[S.size] = Filter(c)
set S.size = S.size + 1
function GetAppendedThreadId takes nothing returns integer
return S.data[S.size]