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[Snippet] TriggerUserData

Simple trigger indexer created in order to give even more flexibility for user while scripting.
My RestoreTrigger required somekind of stuff like this.
*    TriggerUserData v1.1.0.1
*       by Spinnaker
*    Enables assigning unique indexes to triggers.
*    Requirements:
*       Optional - Table by Bribe
*          hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=188084
*    Functions:
*       function SetTriggerUserData takes trigger t, integer index returns nothing
*          assigns unique index to trigger t
*       function GetTriggerUserData takes trigger t returns integer
*       function GetTriggerId takes trigger t returns integer
*          returns assigned data to trigger
*       function GetTriggerById takes integer index returns trigger
*          retrives trigger by it's index
*       function IsTriggerIndexed takes trigger t returns boolean
*          checks whether trigger is indexed or not
library TriggerUserData uses optional Table

        private integer array next
        private integer array prev
        private integer ic = 0
        private integer rec = 0
        private trigger array trigg

    function SetTriggerUserData takes trigger t, integer index returns nothing
        static if LIBRARY_Table then
            set TriggerData.tt[GetHandleId(t)] = index
            call SaveInteger(TriggerData.tt, 0, GetHandleId(t), index)
    function GetTriggerUserData takes trigger t returns integer
        static if LIBRARY_Table then
            if TriggerData.tt.has(GetHandleId(t)) then
                return TriggerData.tt[GetHandleId(t)]
            if HaveSavedInteger(TriggerData.tt, 0, GetHandleId(t)) then
                return LoadInteger(TriggerData.tt, 0, GetHandleId(t))
        return TriggerData.indexTrigger(t)

    private module TriggerUDInit
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            static if LIBRARY_Table then
                set tt = Table.create()

    function GetTriggerById takes integer index returns trigger
        return trigg[index]
    function GetTriggerId takes trigger t returns integer
        return GetTriggerUserData(t)
    function IsTriggerIndexed takes trigger t returns boolean
        static if LIBRARY_Table then
            return TriggerData.tt.has(GetHandleId(t))
            return HaveSavedInteger(TriggerData.tt, 0, GetHandleId(t))

    struct TriggerData extends array
        static boolean enabled = true
        static if LIBRARY_Table then
            static Table tt = 0
            static hashtable tt = InitHashtable()

        static method indexTrigger takes trigger t returns integer
            local integer this=0
            if enabled and t!= null then
                if (0==rec) then
                    set ic=ic+1
                    set this=ic
                    set this=rec
                    set rec=next[rec]
                call SetTriggerUserData(t, this)
                set trigg[this]=t

                set prev[this]=prev[0]
                set next[prev[0]]=this
                set next[this]=0
                set prev[0]=this
            return this

        static method deindexTrigger takes trigger t returns nothing
            local thistype this
            if IsTriggerIndexed(t) then
                set this = GetTriggerUserData(t)
                set next[prev[this]]=next[this]
                set prev[next[this]]=prev[this]
                static if LIBRARY_Table then
                    call TriggerData.tt.remove(GetHandleId(t))
                    call RemoveSavedInteger(tt, 0, GetHandleId(t))
                set trigg[this]=null
                set next[this]=rec
                set rec=this

        implement TriggerUDInit
    hook DestroyTrigger TriggerData.deindexTrigger

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Nes, tell me how can you reffer to actuall trigger (with 100% accurancy) without using it's handle id?
Jass array can't use indexes with such big numbers.

2nd using arrays with [GetHandleId(handle) - 0x100000] may seem to be a better option, but in big maps there might be more than 8191 handles.. For example, there could be more than 9k destructables on a single map actually.

I've made it in such way that it doesn't index everything, only when you want trigger to be indexed.
Nes, tell me how can you reffer to actuall trigger (with 100% accurancy) without using it's handle id?
Jass array can't use indexes with such big numbers.

2nd using arrays with [GetHandleId(handle) - 0x100000] may seem to be a better option, but in big maps there might be more than 8191 handles.. For example, there could be more than 9k destructables on a single map actually.

I've made it in such way that it doesn't index everything, only when you want trigger to be indexed.

that's not the point... why should someone use this over Table?...
I had to be out of my mind. You've shown nothing new to me and yet I havent realised that saving index is not needed in such case. Will fix RestoreTrigger to just use just table I guess.

Nes, I didn't mean to force someone to use this over Table. Not by any means. Just thought, that creating unique triggeruserdata will smooth the process. You should have shown me example like Mag did. I was just plain wrong.