Ok can, this is my first attempt at making a w3 map. I have prior experience in making starcraft maps. I knew the insides and outsides of that and want to be that good at w3 too. But i quite don't understand the import thing. The bit about how u have to change the directory thing 'units/huma/something.mdx' and so on. I understand that it just puts it in a certain location for the map to retrieve it, but what if 'm making a default character who does not resemble anyone from any of the races. Does that mean that i just put him in units/human/..... and i just want to know if i can just put skins anywhere, like can i put a knight skin in the undead section, and can someone plz post all the locations, cause i think, the reason my skin is not showing up is cause i'm using the wrong storage address. thanks.