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SKIN - Nightmare's Skin Hovel - Most Requests Done.

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Level 5
Jul 14, 2004
All the cool kids were doing it. =P

Currently, I've run low on inspiration for which models I want in my Shadowkin race. As such, I've time to kill until my Muse returns, and, because I've been noticing a few peoples' requests going unanswered, I decided to start taking requests.

I don't claim to be perfect at it, and am not a mind reader, so don't expect it to be exactly what you wanted, since you'll not be doing it yourself, though I'm prepared to make small tweaks for people.

If I take a request, I will attempt to do it to the same quality I do my own skins, no more, no less, if you don't like my skins, I'd suggest you find someone whose skins you do like.


- Currently, I do skins, and icons only.
Modelling is something I've vague plans to learn, once I discover the necessary tools, until then, model requests will be ignored.

- I will only do requests made in here, or possibly as a comment to one of my other skins.

- I will not do skins for people that have already requested it and have it in progress for someone else, nor will I do any skin I consider vulgar, obscene, or against my personal beliefs.

- I do not guarantee anyone will like my skins, all but one of my skins to date have been for my own enjoyment, amusement, and function.

- Whilst I am well able to alpha most things from most models, there are sometimes things that cannot be done.
1: Sometimes alphaing parts of a skin will cause the entire skin to become transparent (for reasons unknown to me).

2: Sometimes models have "holes" in them when certain things are alphad due to the models themselves.

3: Sometimes things such as capes cannot be removed, because they have "team colour".

4: Sometimes things simply ignore alpha channels when taking their texture, an example of this is the Eredar Diabolist skin I made, whose tail uses the same texture as his alpha'd moustache, yet is obviously enough, clearly visible.

- Whilst I'm not terribly bothered about being given credit on every single map ever made that uses my skins, if I do something specifically for you, I expect at least a thank you.

Lastly, these are my skins and my work, I reserve the right to use them for whatever I please, and refuse any request, for any person, for any reason, even if you want them for your supersecret magic campaign. Should be obvious, but the situation has happened before.

In addition to requests, feel free to post any suggestions for Shadowkin units, heroes, buildings or creeps here.

I think that covers everything.
Level 2
Apr 10, 2004
Ok to see what u can do i will ask a request i need.
I want a icon of this skin made by me.Can you do it please?

Uh how do you attach without make it public?[/url]
Level 2
Apr 10, 2004
Ok so i will just describe it.I want the face of medivh so its have white band in his face like a mummy he have some purple skin at his eye and got green eyes with fire on it,his hood is mummy like too.Plz do it thanks.
Level 5
Jul 14, 2004
Request finished. I wasn't quite sure what a "mummy-like" cloak was, so I defaulted onto a fairly ragged, tattered old appearance, without going into more bandages, and I assumed the bandages would cover his beard, but the rest was fairly easy to follow, another button I made freehand, without the need for templates.


Buttons created for both ability and unit. Hope they're alright.
Level 5
Jul 14, 2004
Shadowkin are mainly humans who have made a pact with pure Darkness in order to survive, though one or two elven shadowkin have occurred.

The white interloper section of Shadowkin focus mainly on stealth, misdirection and negative afflictions, such as stat down buffs, ninja, dark summons and venomous weapons.

The black natives of the Shonnorothian continent focus more on a combination of animism, and the realms of dreams and nightmares. The natives use trained monsters, benevolent polymorphs, and pure brute force in their massive Mauler warriors, which work quite well supported by the more subtle Azerothian Shadowkin.

Hope that answers all questions about the Shadowkin, since I'd happily have twelve units like most every other race, when I've got about eight including a gold mining unit who's just there to fill the gap until I think of something I actually like, any suggestions you've got are more'n welcome. :)

Oh, and thanks, I thought the icon came out rather well myself. ^-^
Level 7
Apr 30, 2004
Ok here i go

i think you should have a Blood mage Type skin with a shadowkin theam and give him a name like Stelth Mage or Legeto (meaning smooth) Give him cool names and abilities like (abilities) Death Blow (Crit Strike), Armaggedon (Flame Strike) Death Mite (Shadow Bolt) and for his lvl 6 spell give like Dark Healing (Tranquility) sound good and you got to give him grey clothes hope i helped.
Level 5
Jul 14, 2004
I'm afraid, having looked up the image on google, that Sephiex's model isn't terribly suited to the fully armoured/bare headed Nightmare model, perhaps better to the Second, the bare chested model wielding around a large-scale sword? It really might be better to work on Arthas and the Frostmourne if you want an armoured blondy.

However, if you're set on it, I suppose I can try setting armour tones on the version without shoulder pads, though it might not look perfect.
Level 5
Jul 14, 2004
And as to the Shadowkin thingy, I'm afraid I already have three heroes, though I daresay I might add one more more if I feel sufficient plot motivation.

The current heroes are the Keeper of Secrets, who summons up spirits of darkness, powerful shadow dragons and casts wall spells of Stone and Force.

The Dreamcaller, who causes enemies to fall into nightmare filled sleep, dominates the will of the sleeping, and summons illusory forces to attract enemy fire, as well as a healthy touch of dark magic.

And the Spellsword Renegade, a powerful mystical swordsman, with primarily self-improvement and swordmastery abilities.

Nonetheless, I'll see about giving the Bloodmage the Shadowkin treatment at some point when I'm not preoccupied, thanks for the suggestion.
Level 7
Apr 30, 2004
np nightmare just ask me i could think of millions of Heroes/units/building and the like just tell me what race you want me to do what are they (undead,elf,ect.) what there trademark stuff is and i could think up a million units ect. just ask
Level 5
Jul 14, 2004
I'll try both over the next day or so Shinrokon, and upload the one that looks best for you.

And thanks for the offer Cba, currently I need an idea for which unit/style skin to use for the Gold Miner, and the same with the combat mage (and not the sorceress either, since Jaina already fills in that slot).

After those two, I can start balancing and coming up with and polishing the exact abilities for all the units I've designed to date. Feel free to suggest a few unit abilities for any of my units though, currently I'm settled with fairly loosely defined abilities for every unit barring the Mauler, Enslaved Arachnatid and Chiroptera currently.
Level 4
Mar 22, 2004
Good job gave them both a 5/5 ill eventually find something that i want you to do for the map ill eventually finish. since i read the last sentence of your last post, could you tweak the sword a liitle bit to have it be dark blue instead of black
it doesnt really matter but it would be nice
Level 5
Jun 10, 2004
I have an idea for a Shadowkin unit. For the stealth division, an idea might be a Shadowkin sniper (an evil Silvanis or any archer recolored white and the bow looks really evil).
-Back on topic with the skin requests, I'd like a Rouge skin based on the Blue Demoness model. This skin is for an action RPG map for 4-6 players based on the Sonic the Hedgehog game series that once I obtain the skins/models I need along with the changes I've been making to improve the map's quality, will be sent here.
Changes requested: 1. Top half of out fit recolored to pink.
2. Boots recolored white.
3. Gloves recolored white.
4. Hair on back of head alphaed out.
5. Head recolored white except area near mouth which should be recolored to flesh color.
6. Blue parts of torso recolored to flesh color.
-On another note, I thought the Nightmare skin was cool/well done since Nightmare is my favorite character in Soul Calibur 2.
Level 5
Jul 14, 2004
I'll give it a try, though the shape of Sonic characters isn't really conducive to skinning from humans. Since Sonic characters are basically spheres on top of spheres with limbs and pointy bits sticking out, have you considered asking a modeller to work these for you instead? If nothing else, any resultant skins would look a lot better.

On a side note, I'm getting ready for a holiday across the pond for next week, so my next submission will probably turn up in a fortnight or so, depending on the jetlag.
Level 5
Jun 10, 2004
I've got an idea for a Shadowkin hero. Since these guys are evil how about the Shadowkin Blackguard, a Death Knight style model with an evil looking helmit attached to its head and some nasty dark side powers for spells.
Level 2
Jul 19, 2004
i was wondering if you could make this skin for the person you think it would be closest to.

http://dball.free.fr/dball/fiches/n...est, and white fo the other one. thnx man
Level 1
Jun 23, 2004
Skin request

Hey could you do a Celtic/Gaelic warrior model using the Bandit w/ axe for a base unit? Can you alpha out the weapon and leave it weaponless? Some side details are to make hair blonde or red color and blue warpaint on the face and to remove the mustache if possibe :D Thanks in advance.
Level 2
Jul 31, 2004
how about a skin of the queen from aliens to go over the already existing alien model they have on here if you could.
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