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[Solved] Siphon mana problem...

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Level 14
Aug 8, 2010
Hi! I want to ask why when I cast Mass Drain (spell of the Spider Queen), nothing happens? I want when my hero casts it, 2 beams, the one blue and the other - green, to hit the target (i want the beams to be like broken in the middle) and then drain both HP and mana from the target... but the beams arn't appearing... i used siphon mana as the dummy spell for the dummies. (you can see my trigger in my posted map below... the trigger name is 'The base MD trigg' 10x+rep if you help me! :)
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Level 14
Aug 8, 2010
Hmm.. it's not working again. Actually i think that i should use Siphon Mana because the dummy magic is siphon mana, not drain life! (you can change what to drain in the stats of the Blood Mage's Drain mana) Still - i tried with Life Drain, but nothing happened again... And the second thing - i had marked the 'invulnerable' check box in the Stats - Targets Allowed, but still nothing happened...
Level 14
Aug 8, 2010
Nope... i tried even with default mana drain and still nothing happened... please help! :( I also make sure that dummies have mana and HP (they kave 10 000)

I finally make my dummies cast and everything is OK, except the fact that when i order them to move instantly to an place and they stop cast...
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Yes, it should be used within custom script action.
Well, say Loc1 is the location you want your dummies to move to:
  • Set Loc1 = (Location here)
  • Custom script: call SetUnitX (udg_Dummy[1], GetLocationX (udg_Loc1))
  • Custom script: call SetUnitY (udg_Dummy[1], GetLocationY (udg_Loc1))
  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Loc1)
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