Trigger so when your Unit, "Villager" is holding his "Pistol" item he can walk up to his "Closet". When in the region I've made he gains a new ability "Open Closet". When the ability is used he locks selection onto a unit named "Closet". This closet can store and withdraw your "Pistol" with 2 abilities, "Store Pistol" and "Withdraw Pistol" which is triggered to remove the Pistol and add it while removing and adding store and withdraw Pistol ability to the "closet" unit. When I try this trigger, whichever store or withdraw is used first, the second time using the ability is basically has null effect (the trigger doesnt run a second time).
My trigger doesn't work, if I could get one that works i'd be happy to give rep.
My trigger doesn't work, if I could get one that works i'd be happy to give rep.
Open Closet
Unit - Villager (Male 2) 0011 <gen> Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Open Closet (Channel)
Unit - Change ownership of Closet 0015 <gen> to Player 1 (Red) and Change color
Selection - Select Closet 0015 <gen>
Unit - Order Villager (Male 2) 0011 <gen> to Stop
Unit - Move Villager (Male 2) 0011 <gen> instantly to (Center of Equipment stance <gen>)
Unit - Make Villager (Male 2) 0011 <gen> face 1.00 over 0.00 seconds
Unit - Change ownership of Villager (Male 2) 0011 <gen> to Player 2 (Blue) and Retain color
Camera - Apply Closet Cam <gen> for Player 1 (Red) over 0.00 seconds
Trigger - Turn on Open Closet Extras <gen>
Open Closet Extras
Time - Every 0.02 seconds of game time
Camera - Apply Closet Cam <gen> for Player 1 (Red) over 0.00 seconds
Selection - Select Closet 0015 <gen>
Close Closet
Unit - Closet 0015 <gen> Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Close Closet (Channel)
Trigger - Turn off Open Closet Extras <gen>
Selection - Select Villager (Male 2) 0011 <gen>
Unit - Change ownership of Closet 0015 <gen> to Player 2 (Blue) and Change color
Unit - Change ownership of Villager (Male 2) 0011 <gen> to Player 1 (Red) and Retain color
Unit - Make Villager (Male 2) 0011 <gen> face 270.00 over 0.50 seconds
Camera - Apply cam reset <gen> for Player 1 (Red) over 1.00 seconds
Withdraw Pistol
Unit - Closet 0015 <gen> Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Pistolwith
Hero - Create pistolitem and give it to Villager (Male 2) 0011 <gen>
Unit - Remove Pistolwith from Closet 0015 <gen>
Unit - Add Pistolsto to Closet 0015 <gen>
Store Pistol
Unit - Closet 0015 <gen> Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Pistolsto
Item - Remove (Item carried by Villager (Male 2) 0011 <gen> of type pistolitem)
Unit - Remove Pistolsto from Closet 0015 <gen>
Unit - Add Pistolwith to Closet 0015 <gen>