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simple model edit request

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Level 25
Mar 29, 2020
hey there,

looking for someone to make some small adjustments to this troll by @HappyTauren (who says there he is fine with it being edited):

1. give him something with team color (part of his pants/some sort of minor armor/his bracers - whatever)
2. give him a weapon that doesn't stab him during animations (I was thinking maybe the succubus's daggers)
3. dissapation
4. hero glow (optional)
5. portrait talk animation

- I like the fact that he looks kind of creepy-stalkerish, so try to keep with that theme...


Edits done:
- New body color scheme
- Team-colored wristbands and voodoo masks on shoulder and waist area.
- Dagger weapon taken from Demonness model, animations edited to prevent the troll from stabbing himself.
- One new attack animation.
- Animation optimizations and fixed their names.
- Portrait animation with talking animation:



  • Troll_StalkerHero_Portrait.mdx
    93.7 KB · Views: 39
Last edited:
Level 25
Mar 29, 2020

I wonder if I could trouble you with one more thing on this topic -

for one ability it would help to have a "missile" version of this unit. just having him doing the walking animation, and a blank death animation would be awesome. (I tried using it as is and the missile dies on the ground...)

I most certainly do not :pgrin:. Couldn't find anything relevant when googling it either. If you happen to know of a good link to help me find out I'd be happy for a nudge in the right direction.

I'm not a teacher, unfortunately. Plenty of tutorials around here to help you get started :)


I wonder if I could trouble you with one more thing on this topic -

for one ability it would help to have a "missile" version of this unit. just having him doing the walking animation, and a blank death animation would be awesome. (I tried using it as is and the missile dies on the ground...)



  • RunningBlueMan.mdx
    214.3 KB · Views: 27
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