if you want to use a dummy, you should know that it (most often) courses some increase of the 'lagability' of your map. Therefore you should only use them, if the other ways would slow your map even more, or if they are way more complicated.
Dummy units need to be invisible to the player/s
It also needs to act without taking any time t all.
Therefore you should do the following stuff whenever using a dummy:
- dummy - colision range = 0
- dummy - movementtype = flying
- dummy - abilities - permanent invisibility (modified to take 0.01 seconds to recloak)
- dummy - abilities - invincibility
- dummy - abilities - locust (the one that the swarm units have and that courses them to be unselectable)
- dummy - abilities - <some passiv to be able to see invisible units>
- dummy - model - use a custom model that does not exist - that way it has none and can not create any model-bound sounds
- dummy - does not decay and can't be resurected
- dummy - sightrange = max
- dummy - scaling = min
- trigger - add an expiration timer with about 0.1 or maybe 0.2 to the dummy - that gets rid of it without having to care about it anymore
- trigger - add all the abilities the dummy shall have when it needs to have them - reduces lag (e.g. if a dummy with about 50 abilities would be placed - that takes longer than one with no abilities and adding one ability via trigger to it)
- trigger - give only one order to the dummy (it is not meant to exist long enough to do more than one order, even though you may do here as you see fit)
If you finnaly want to use a dummy, you shall do it like this:
<some trigger code here>
unit - create a dummy for <whatever you like - if it might kill then you shall use the player the kill shall be counted to> using <default facing angel>
unit - add expiration timer (0.2) seconds to (last created unit)
unit - add ability <add whatever abilities you want it to have>
unit - order <to use that ability - i would recommend using spells instead of passives>
<some more trigger code here>
i hope you understood how dummies are used.
If you still have questions - feel fre to ask em.
you might want to use a modified 'Firebolt (neutral enemy)' instead of a 100% bash
attacking another unit triggers a whole bunch of events, while casting on it only triggers a few ones.
Therefore casting is (most often) faster than attacking.