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Silvermoon Reforged Campaign could actually be like this.

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Level 5
Mar 23, 2017
Dunno if it's okay to give suggestions regarding reforged campaigns, specifically the Silvermoon, because i haven't played every campaigns of the reforged yet but i really think that Silvermoon City aesthetic is lacking, map makers here from hive could even do it better. And besides, i think the part where silvermoon is being siege by the scourge should somehow be accurate with the WoW... I've got a suggestion tho, in case someone would listen,
why not stick with the WoW lore where the scourged rallied the city creating a corrupted path in the middle of the city, in the campaigns it could actually play like this: The middle part of the city is a series of gates or magical barriers that can only be opened by different levers within some parts of the city. Arthas and his scourge would be npc's for a moment and they are waiting outside the first outer gate of silvermoon. This is where Dar'khan Drathir comes in play, he'll betray the elves, alongside banshee Sylvanas and some undead units, by sabotaging their defenses and activating these levers so that Arthas and his armies could march from one gate to another until they reach the final gate, leaving a trail of corrupted land behind (in reference to WoW's silvermoon split in half by decayed land) and elven armies can actually take a part in the roleplay (they'll try to stop the sea of undead but end up becoming one of them, raising more and more banshees or whatever along the way). When they reach it, that's where Arthas's ice bridge comes in and once they step to the Sunwell Plateau, Arthas will rejoin the player (he's not an npc anymore) Arthas, Dar'khan and Sylvanas will kill Anasterian... then that's it... dunno if you agree but i do think this scenario would be accurate to the way silvermoon looks in WoW now and Dar'khan would be introduced properly, if you guys like he could actually play a part in telling arthas about the keys to the moon gate on a campaign before that....

lol dunno how to put that "reforged" yellow tag before the title... dunno how to edit the title of this thread either.
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Level 9
Jan 1, 2009
As I understand it alot of people are angry at Blizzard right now because such ideas as yours were not implemented into the campaign, even though they had the ability (and the models) for it. Especially the maps and loading screens of the missions playing in and around the northern part of the eastern kingdom were such a disappoinment. The models for Lordaeron City/Dalaran/Silvermoon are outright beautiful, yet they are placed on (by modern standards) ugly maps. The story has also not been changed to account for changes done in WoW. Maybe Blizzard did this with the intend to change the old campaign as little as possible, but I personally would have liked a more modernized campaign.
A few years back I made several maps, trying to recreate the WoW-ingame Zones as close as possible - maybe i'll use those to remake the actual campaign with the WoW Lore in mind and using new Models.
But given that we are unable to play custom campaigns right now, I'm not sure if it would not be a waste of time in the end.
Level 6
Apr 7, 2012
They should have just offered both versions of the campaign and leave it to the player which one is canon since they would have been the same story but told differently, like two chroniclers who have different versions of history. But something tells me not including them due to player feedback is partly an excuse because they probably had a huge budget cut at one point.

For me at least, it would have been ideal if it had been more like SC2 structure-wise. A lot more missions for each campaign to develop the characters more, with a lot more variety gameplay-wise. Whenever I replay WC3, I am always taken a bit aback by how abrupt the change in Arthas is. For a long time, I always remembered the story to be a bit longer.

The Reforged version of the campaign could have benefitted from the SC2 formula, maybe even bring in the ultra cool alternative and campaign-exclusive units. 3 Versions of Footmen? Why not! I'm sure something like this was the original intent but Actiblizz likely meddled in the project. I mean, why include all those unique models for heroes if you're not going to do something interesting with them?

Even if you don't take into account all the technical issues and killing classic, the whole package is rather meh. Not bad but meh, like a 7/10.
Level 20
Apr 12, 2018
What I want to know is where all of you "why didn't they change the campaign" people are coming out of the woodwork from?

We've known for over seven months that the campaign changes were scrapped and the demand to not change the campaign was around since Reforged was announced. Those people made their voices heard and as far as I knew, up until this week, THAT was the most popular idea going into Reforged.

Now all of a sudden people are dropping in all over the place that didn't know the change was made.
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Level 3
Mar 15, 2019
What I want to know is where all of you "why didn't they change the campaign" people are coming out of the woodwork from?

We've known for over seven months that the campaign changes were scrapped and the demand to not change the campaign was around since Reforged was announced. Those people made their voices heard and as far as I knew, up until this week, THAT was the most popular idea going into Reforged.

Now all of a sudden people are dropping in all over the place that didn't know the change was made.

This is exactly why I hate remakes/remasters period. The community is never happy with the final result. It's always you made too much changes or too little, the changes in the art style suck (hell some people complain that the increased resolution in Bioshock Remaster ruins the game), or I miss the old client. But mostly everyone will find a way to nitpick the artstyle


HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
What I want to know is where all of you "why didn't they change the campaign" people are coming out of the woodwork from?

We've known for over seven months that the campaign changes were scrapped and the demand to not change the campaign was around since Reforged was announced. Those people made their voices heard and as far as I knew, up until this week, THAT was the most popular idea going into Reforged.

Now all of a sudden people are dropping in all over the place that didn't know the change was made.

We all know the purists were just a scapegoat and mere meatshields by Blizzard as an excuse for being lazy
Level 11
Dec 21, 2012
I wouldn't have minded Silvermoon City design to be wow-like, but the idea of the "Dead Scar" seems ridiculous to me. Are you telling me the Scourge just marched in that one straight line? Complete and utter nonsense. According to the Lore, Arthas swept through the entirety of the lands, destroying any settlements he came across, turning the living into the undead, eventually sieging Silvermoon itself.

"Darkhan Drathir" was never mentioned before Wow add him to the story (as far as I am aware). By the way, how in the world would Darkhan communicate with Arthas to set up this plan of betraying Elves? And what would Darkhan stand to gain? Did he really think Arthas would spare him? I get that human lands were infiltrated by the Cult of the Damned, and the Scourge gained power there because of them. However, Cult of the Damned did not operate in Elven lands. Thus, no way for Darkhan to communicate with Arthas.

Sylvanas did not "betray" the elves, she was killed and raised as undead by Arthas. After that, the elves would no longer allow her anywhere near them. Because they only saw her as a Scourge minion by that point.

In conclusion,
why not stick with the WoW lore

They should have just offered both versions of the campaign and leave it to the player which one is canon since they would have been the same story but told differently, like two chroniclers who have different versions of history.
That is actually what Blizzard promised, at the beginning. Essentially having two versions of the campaign - one with Reforged graphics, and other stuff + altered story, that fits WoW more. And the other being the original campaign, unchanged.

Look how that worked out...
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Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
That is actually what Blizzard promised, at the beginning. Essentially having two versions of the campaign - one with Reforged graphics, and other stuff + altered story, that fits WoW more. And the other being the original campaign, unchanged.

Look how that worked out...
we're sorry ur expectations being too high for our game, try tetris for now


HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
The Cult of the Damned accepts anyone regardless of race and gender
Yeah, humans, in what RoC is concerned. Kel'thuzad was human and humans were more gullible than elves (with their magic barriers and stuff). 'tis why Arthas required the Scourge of Lordaeron to be able to get to Silvermoon/Quel'thalas. Otherwise, they would have waited more for the elves to be properly damaged by the plague. Fact is, the plague didn't work on them as seen in RoC.
Someone fixed both Dalaran and Silvermoon:
SilverMoon and Dalaran Fixed
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