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Silence doesn't work on some units?

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Level 7
Aug 11, 2010
Unsure what is preventing it but when I use silence some units aren't effected (the ones without abilities (or) mana pool). Not sure how to fix this; is it even possible to fix this?

The reason I would like to have silence effect units that DONT have abilities is the ability I am working on for my hero that gives the enemy a damage amplification. And I don't want non-spell casters to be excluded from this.

I tried using Movement Speed Reduction; didn't work.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Simple spells that don't use mana aren't considered spells and are instead abilities. That is why you can cast abilities on magic immune units like ensnare on a Dragon. Silence specifically disables Spells but has additional options to add melee, range and special. I think all you need to do is add special along with spells.

Data - Attacks Prevented - spells (default), special (add this)

But if you want to target unit that can't cast any ability then you maybe should consider a different base for your spell to effect all units and then dummy to silence if needed.
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