before you begin. this tutorial uses filters.
step.1 create a new 400 x 150 document and go filters>renders>clouds
go filter>renders>sharpen and then hit ctrl F
open the layer tab and duplicate the layer.
on this layer apply filters>sketch>chrome with 0 smoothness and 10 detail.
apply filter>distort>ripple with medium and max amount.
set its blending mode (the thing that says normal) to overlay and hit ctrl E.
search fo a picture you like on
i ended up with a WoW tauren.
hit ctrl prt scr and go file>new from clip board.
put a large rectangle in the right of te right tangle. make sure the thing that says fesather has 3 inserted.
now pull it over to the head of your image and copy it.
paste it on your image and ue the maic wand tolerance 50 to select all the white (or black) and delete it.
now set the blending mode to luminosity.
no but a 0 feather squre over it and move it around with the move tool. (just press v if you dont know its icon)
move it bacck to its original place and it should be selected perfectly.
Now change to the clou/chrome layer and copy where ur image is.
go to the image layer and paste it.
then set he blending mode to overlay.
merge all the layers together
go ctrl u and hek tthe colrie bx and mess around wit the sliders till u find something you want.
Now choose a text and type your fourm name and maybe subtext, i did "Pixelator, seeing is beleveing"
now go free andmess with the text, i like to select my text in a box then ue the move tool to get a perfect select, then go to the basic layyer and copy a random place and pua little lower then the black text (put the black tex below the colored text layer.)
set the colored text's blending mode to hard light.
no just add a border by using a 3 feather square. select the whole thing and hit edit. stroke black for the color and 2 pixels.
now if you wanna pply any other things, do o or it.
i added a grid tot he whole image. thid is my result
step.1 create a new 400 x 150 document and go filters>renders>clouds
go filter>renders>sharpen and then hit ctrl F
open the layer tab and duplicate the layer.
on this layer apply filters>sketch>chrome with 0 smoothness and 10 detail.
apply filter>distort>ripple with medium and max amount.
set its blending mode (the thing that says normal) to overlay and hit ctrl E.
search fo a picture you like on
i ended up with a WoW tauren.
hit ctrl prt scr and go file>new from clip board.
put a large rectangle in the right of te right tangle. make sure the thing that says fesather has 3 inserted.
now pull it over to the head of your image and copy it.
paste it on your image and ue the maic wand tolerance 50 to select all the white (or black) and delete it.
now set the blending mode to luminosity.
no but a 0 feather squre over it and move it around with the move tool. (just press v if you dont know its icon)
move it bacck to its original place and it should be selected perfectly.
Now change to the clou/chrome layer and copy where ur image is.
go to the image layer and paste it.
then set he blending mode to overlay.
merge all the layers together
go ctrl u and hek tthe colrie bx and mess around wit the sliders till u find something you want.
Now choose a text and type your fourm name and maybe subtext, i did "Pixelator, seeing is beleveing"
now go free andmess with the text, i like to select my text in a box then ue the move tool to get a perfect select, then go to the basic layyer and copy a random place and pua little lower then the black text (put the black tex below the colored text layer.)
set the colored text's blending mode to hard light.
no just add a border by using a 3 feather square. select the whole thing and hit edit. stroke black for the color and 2 pixels.
now if you wanna pply any other things, do o or it.
i added a grid tot he whole image. thid is my result