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Sianara My Friends

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Its come time for me to take my leave, I Know i haven't contributed mcuh to the community besides being the #50th best spammer, but Ill miss ya guys.

Life's been hell for me lately, I thought when this Summer would come along I'd have some time to work on stuff but it only became worse.

As of February my comp flat out blew up, first we thought it was my power supply, so i worked up enough money for a new one, ends up... it was my motherboard.

Well for those of you curious heres whats hogging my time

Girlfriends - god these are the worst time consumers EVER

Sleep - Well as much as I hate it, I gotta do it

Running a UO Shard - aka a Game server, im Admin on it, so i gotta keep track around there

Moving - Im moving into a new house this month, finally...

Fireworks store - I ran a fireworks store for a good chunk of my summer, so ive been busy :p

World of Warcraft - RDZ don't even start it, I love the game, ill play it, but i dont disappear for months because of it.

Jobs - need money, money good

Steel Titans - Believe it or not Ive tried to work on it as much as i can :p

I've also been fighting a bit with my dad, hes the classic redneck that hates technology and thinks anything electronic is gonna catch on fire.

If i may say a bit to a few of you.

You were my favorite mod in every way, wish ya luck in whatever you do, and never stop the crusade to purge DBZ from Anime FOREVER!

Always hated you, lol

I really really really hated you. (cough*realism sucks compared to Anime!*cough)

Rudest person I ever met

Hated you, then sorta got used to you towards the end

Goodluck man, you were always fun to talk to ^^

God i don't know how i would have gotten anything done without asking for help from ya all the time, thanks ^^

Thank you for consuming countless hours of my life ^^

I know i left a ton of people out, i didnt include the ST staff cuz ill still be hanging around them, but thanks everyone for the fun times around here, I may stop by and visit occasionally, but overall you'll see ALOT less of me.

Itll also be nice to step away from stress for awhile and relax with my GF, seems every 5 minutes im answering an IM or something, or fixing a bug in the server, or anything like that.

To the Steel Titan's Staff
Do not worry, im not abandoning the project, ill still work on it, i just won't be around wc3sear.ch as much :p, I am positive i WILL get this project done, we just haven't had much momentum lately for some reason, Teppana your not doing your job well as Team Cheerleader <_<
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Its come time for me to take my leave, I Know i haven't contributed mcuh to the community besides being the #50th best spammer, but Ill miss ya guys.

And we'll miss the post counts.

Life's been hell for me lately, I thought when this Summer would come along I'd have some time to work on stuff but it only became worse.

Its when life IS NOT hell on you that you need to worry. It means you are getting too cushy.

As of February my comp flat out blew up, first we thought it was my power supply, so i worked up enough money for a new one, ends up... it was my motherboard.

I would pay to watch a mothervoard explode violently...without the assistance of 3rd party explosive elements

Girlfriends - god these are the worst time consumers EVER

...as well as the worst waste of time.

Sleep - Well as much as I hate it, I gotta do it

You need to condition yourself better. I've gone almost the past 2 years with 6 hours or less a night. Sleep eats up too much of our lives- do something about it!

Moving - Im moving into a new house this month, finally...

Ah, I feel 'ya there... at least it's not overseas...

Fireworks store - I ran a fireworks store for a good chunk of my summer, so ive been busy

A whole summer? I commend you on that one. I would've gotten it blown it up by now...

World of Warcraft - RDZ don't even start it, I love the game, ill play it, but i dont disappear for months because of it.

For perfect example: refer to Darky27-28-29

Jobs - need money, money good

Only if you are a capitalist.

I've also been fighting a bit with my dad, hes the classic redneck that hates technology and thinks anything electronic is gonna catch on fire.

Good luck, because despite what some say, you CAN NOT teach an old dog new tricks.

You were my favorite mod in every way, wish ya luck in whatever you do, and never stop the crusade to purge DBZ from Anime FOREVER!

I'm getting ready to throw One Piece in there as well.

Always hated you, lol

That can't be...you're not a n00b skinner...err, wait... :wink:

I really really really hated you. (cough*realism sucks compared to Anime!*cough)

Wormy has a little issue with reality. In short, he has no sense of. He's the kind of gut who's never taken a beating or an education in his life, and has grown completely ignorant and spoiled as a result.

Rudest person I ever met

Hence, the most banned person you've ever met.

Hated you, then sorta got used to you towards the end

Then I guess it's the end for all of us.

Thank you for consuming countless hours of my life ^^

Don't expect him to say "your welcome" any time within the next few months.


p.s. oh, and its "sayonara."
rofl i get a big kick out of your post ^^

Thanks for correcting me, ive never been sure, my japanese is very limited, i want to study more but i cant seem to find anywhere to do so (damn school only teaches mexican or french...)

I can say...
I am
You are

mainly insults :p

^^ fun fun, i hope to visit japan some day to forward my career in Computer Graphics and Programming, but judging by the fact my dad won't let me drive down the street without bugging out, ill have to sneak out PRETTY early to get around him with this one lol
lol it is not luck my friend but skill, skill gets the girls ^^ that and being sweet, innocent, and pitiful ^^ lol, guys will hate you but the girls love ya

Thanks everyone, i was expecting more of...


I seriously had that post back at one of my old forums i used to hang out at <_<
good job, nodoby really cares. these kinds of threads have been goign for so long, and the sad part about it is that people just use these to bloat thier egos as if their leaving is such a big impact. i mean you even put it in the site discussions. the least you can do is post this in offtopic or just have it in your sig. this goodbye post however was very different from the other's though; it somehow transformed into a goodbye thread to a blog. oh and wormskull owns you everyday and you know it.

ps. have a nice time :p

pps. vg i can understend as to why one piece is next, this pretty much explains it.
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