Shrine of Cenarius

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Level 9
Jun 27, 2007
damn I like this, but the ground is too flat...

I really like this end of world and some hills +animas and +rep!!

There are times when you could see the "end of the world". In this case this could easily be atop a mountain/hill in which there would be nothing in the background except sky. And as Gilles said in another thread... there are flat places in this world.

I think both look really good and I'd almost lean more towards the first being the better one. Despite what they said I can see some slight height variation and that's really all you need. In nature you'll never find anything perfectly flat but that dosen't mean there won't be some spots.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
The second is far superior. The road needs work IMO. That grass tile is the ugliest of them all. I would use a different one, or use grassy dirt on the road. Also it's a little too bumpy. Maybe a quick once over with the smooth tool.
Level 5
Jun 18, 2007
Custom trees looks nice, but they don't match with the green ground. However, you can mend this with plants. Some crazy plants. Ones that warp, maybe some thorns, try the UTM's ferns. Blow em up, change around the colors. It might add a lil something. An obeslisk or two. But I'm loving the gazebo shrine. Needs elves. Needs work!
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