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[Campaign] Shadowmancer: DYNAMIC RPG CAMPAIGN

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Level 11
May 16, 2016


by Fruit Forest










This the story of the young elf Demenian who was saved by a shadow creature named Irv from being executed by Holy Church soldiers. Demenian saw the Church's crimes and they wanted to kill him for being a witness. Later, Irv, his mentor, taught him shadowmancer abilities.

After finishing his training, Demenian came to a small seaport village, Grahland Bay, where he asked the local government for a space to be able to start his new order.

Then, an earthquake suddenly started and militia units came to attack Demenian for no reason.

The campaign is finished. You may beat it, just pay attention to secrets and be careful when fighting.

General Information:

An RPG with a single hero. Each chapter contains: a start and a final boss battle at its end.

This campaign was made for players who prefer dynamic and hard battles. Casual campaign somewhat at its best.

Custom universe: the plot isnt't based on any Warcraft stories, but it takes some elements from the Warcraft universe. I planned the storyline very well, trying to avoid "plot holes".

Here you may find a satire on our contemporary world policies. "Breaking of the 4th wall" jokes are also present. References to movies and games are therein too. (Chapter 5 is one big reference to an old famous game).

Demenian Letitrendthis

The main hero. A young impulsive elf who became a witness of a Holy Church crime, when the Holy Church squad brutally killed a militia group. The Holy Church detected Demenian, but the mentor named Irv, saved him, appearing from out of nowhere. Interestingly, Demenian can't remember why did the Holy Church kill the militia and how did Irv save Demenian. After few days of running from pursuit, Irv trained Demenian by sharing his knowledge to him. Later, Demenian visited a small village, Grahland Bay, where he asked the local government for free space to begin a shadowmancer order because he wanted to use his new learned skills to protect civilians and share the knowledge with worthy ones.
Irv (Second name would reveal in 2nd Shadowmancer campaign)

The second hero is a supporting unit. He is a soul inside Demenian's mind, giving him advice. He can create illusions of himself to visibly contact Demenian. Demenian knows quite little about him. He just knows Irv is a master of trickery and shadow magic and that he is knowledgeable and that he can make Demenian become a great shadowmancer. Irv is more than useful in battle. He uses his own mana to cast supportive spells and he is totally invulnerable to external threats when sitting inside Demenian's mind.

Secondary quests:

During gameplay, you may complete secondary quests. Spending time on secondary quests gives you rewards, but it empowers the current chapter's boss. In some chapters an empowered boss could make a hard time for you.

Item upgrading:

Every map contains an Altar of Power. It is used to extract energy resources from both runes and books. Also, it is used to upgrade items.



Used to buy potions and items from markets. Collect coins or sell artifacts to gain gold.


Used to upgrade items. Collect energy stones or use an altar of power to extract energy from both books and runes. Markets exchange 1 energy for 5 gold.

Various damage types.

Physical damage:

Damage that depends on armour value.

Blunt damage:

When you say blunt damage, you think about physical damage. When you say physical damage, you think about blunt damage. Blunt damage is a kind of a physical damage, but it deals more damage to mechanical units, large units and bosses.

Spell damage:

Spell damage ignores armour value, but depends on spell resistance ratio.

All NPC mages use spell damage as their main attack. Don't underestimate small attack power value because, perhaps, the spell damage bonus could be high.

Battle Techniques:

The hero may perform triggered attacks, such as Critical Attack, Counter Attack and Extra Attack. To improve techniques you need to use runes.

Critical Attack:

Every attack may deal triple physical damage. It has less chance than other techniques. You may gather artifacts which improve Critical attacks.

Extra Attack:

Every attack may deal double physical damage. The chance is higher than that for the Critical attacks, but Extra attacks increases other attack chances. For example: Your normal critical chance is 5%. An Extra attack may do critical damage with a 15% chance. You may gather artifacts which can improve Extra attacks.

Counter Attack:

While being damaged by normal attacks, the hero may do a counter attack. It deals the same received physical (or spell, if you have the proper artifact) damage. Counter attacks reflect every normal attack, but the hero must be within melee range of the attacker. The Counter attack chance is tripled after a parry. Counter attacks also increase other attack chances, like that of the Extra Attack. For example: There is an artifact called Talisman of Ultimate Fire which has a 10% chance to creates a fire wave on attack. Counter attack increases this chance by 30%. You may gather artifacts which improve Counter attacks.

As you understood, the hero may do even Counter Extra Critical attack attack!

Triggered abilities:

This campaign ONLY has triggered spells, no standard cheap variants. Even NPCs have that, and it all depends on the spell damage bonus.

Abilities are used by the main hero. To choose the main hero press (F1).

Shadow LanceMain hero ability. The hero leaves an illusion which distracts enemies. The caster becomes invisible and can attack and use other abilities not losing invisibility. After the duration is over, the illusion explodes dealing spell damage to surrounding enemies.
Lightning ChargeA Blink analogue, but after teleporting, the hero slashes surrounding enemies with physical damage. This ability, may also explode a Shadow Lance illusion when cast. A good tactic is to blow the illusion up when just 1-2 seconds of its duration remain. This ability may also be used to avoid attacks or enemy spells.
Leech HunterMass targetomg ability which curses enemies. The curse burns the enemy's mana and deals damage while restoring mana to the caster. Also, it slightly increases damage of shadowmancer abilities if it is able to deal spell damage. Doesn't affect abilities which deal physical damage. Leech Hunter also dispels positive buffs from enemies.
Shadow BlindThe hero launches a shadow wave which blinds affected enemies. Blinded enemy units can miss and have their attack speed decreased. The Hero's extra attack may be triggered with a higher chance when he attacks a blind enemy. Also, Shadow Blind removes invisibility detection for a short time. It is very useful to those who uses Shadow Lance all the time.
TremorThe Hero shocks a single target at will. Shocked enemy units take more physical damage. Stunned enemy gain large spell damage.

The campaign contains artifacts which improve the shadowmancer abilities. All of them depend on the hero's attributes.

Abilities used by the mentor. To choose the mentor press (F2).

Mind ControlA chosen enemy will be fighting as an ally for the main hero. After the effect fades the mentor appears to slash that enemy's mind dealing spell damage.
Soul RavageThe mentor drains some of a chosen enemy's health to restore the main hero's health.
Adamant PowerThe mentor charms the hero's mind to deal massive damage to surrounding enemies in a large radius. The longer the channeling time, the more physical damage the hero deals.
Pain SuppressionIncreases hero's armour value. Every normal attack that deals physical damage, decreases this bonus by 1 point. Also, it removes stun effects every second.
Shadow RevealingDetects invisible units in a chosen area and also destroys enemy illusions.
Mana TransferAbsorb all of the mentor's mana to restore the hero's mana. After using this ability, it becomes locked. To unlock it you need to restore the mentor's mana to full.
Amplify HealingPassive ability. It is gained if the player reaches chapter 5 boss within a short time. While drinking Amplify Potion, the drinker is instantly healed. Healing power depends on current mentor's mana.
Willpower DominanceAll summoned units, except illusions, are banished or the Mentor takes control of them. This ability will be available if you complete a secondary quest.
Mind ShockLast ability in the last chapter. It is connected with a campaign plot twist. Stuns every unit in a boss arena for a few seconds, but it requires both energy and mentor's mana. If a boss can't remove this stun, it means the boss can't dodge your abilities. Use Pain Suppression to remove stun effects from the hero.

The mentor has his own mana to use spells. To restore the mentor's mana you need to use proper items or use the main hero's abilities which randomly restore the mentor's mana when they hit an enemy. The campaign contains artifacts which improve secondary abilities. All of them depend on the hero's attributes.

Skippable cinematics

Press (ESC) to skip a cinematic scene. Some can't be skipped.

Easy to use potion system

Healing Potion

Restores 25-40% of the hero's total health. Press (F3) to restore health.

Mana Potion

Restores 35-70% of hero's total mana. Press (F4) to restore mana.

Amplify Potion

Ups attributes, regenerates the hero's health, increases both armour and attack power for 60 seconds. Also, it restores the mentor's mana. Press (F5) to drink Amplify potions.

You can't drink potions while being stunned. You may hold a max of 10 potions of each type.

Intro: The Beginning

Chapter I: Divine Pursuit

Chapter II: Foreigners from Three Worlds

Chapter III: Lord of the Ice Abyss

Chapter IV: Failed Diplomacy

Chapter V: Mechanism Eight

Chapter VI: Shadows of the Exiled

Chapter VII: Sleepless City

Chapter VIII: Friendship Miracles
















































Abetus - Vampire Plague Theme (Plague Inc: Evolved OST)

Autumn - Shadowmancer

Borderlands 2 - Dam Top

Borderlands 2 - Glacial

Borderlands 2 - Highlands Battle

Bryan EL - Rrajigar Mine Remix

Colony Wars - Track 10

Command & Conquer: Renegade - Move It

Devil May Cry 3 - Dante vs Vergil Battle 2

Disciples 3 - Legion of Damned

Dungeon Siege 2 - Water Chapel Desert 3

Earth 2150 - LC Day 1

Fantasy Wars - Hammer of The Dwarves

Fantasy Wars - Sumgan

Fantasy Wars - Tixus

Fantasy Wars - Ugraum

King's Bounty: The Legend - Knight

King's Bounty: Warrior of the North - Army of the Dawn

King's Bounty: Warrior of the North - Road of Bones

Kostya - Dovahkiin

Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance - Indecision

Medieval 2: Total War - Duke of Death

Metal Gear Solid - Mantis Hymn

Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes - Mantis Hymn

Neverwinter Nights 2 - West Harbor Battle

NU music - Organic (UT redux v2)

Rollcage Stage 2 - Secret Life

Sacred - Dungeon 1

Sonic Adventure - Skydeck A Go Go!

Soul Calibur 5 - Through the Jaws of Death

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection - Call of Inferno

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Dragon Battle 1

Unreal Tournament - Mechanism Eight

UT2004 Troopers: Dawn of Destiny - TR_StarDestroyer

Unreal Tournament 2004 - SDG - ONS01

Voytek Pavlik - Meanwhile During Time

Voytek Pavlik - Suspense Movie Ending

West One Music - Battle Scene

World of Warcraft - Undercity

Yuko Kawai - Symphonic Suite Devil Third Movement

Campaign screen background: Unreal Tournament 3 - Deflector
SPECIAL THANKS TO>>deepstrasz<<
Blizzard Entertainment, CRAZYRUSSIAN, Destination9747, Direfury, donut3.5, epsilon, eubz, EviL_BuddhA, Felipe Gormadoc, frostwolf, General Frank, Geries, HappyTauren, HerrDave, Hexus, Illidan(Evil)X, JesusHipster, JetFangInferno, Jhonny Janbo, JollyD, Ket, Kitabatake, Kofi_Banan, Konblade, Kuhneghetz, levigeorge1617, LongbowMan, Marcos DAB, PeeKay, Polar_Bear, PrinceOfFame, Rizz_Boomer, Serbianbeast, SkipperSellenisko, soulreaver6, Stefan.K, supertoinkz, Teaspoon, The_Silent, The Weird Human, Thrikodius, Tranquil, Uncle Fester, Wandering Soul, wojia10502, Xardian, XiaolianhuaStudio.

The Ultimate Terraining Map Models

GUI -Friendly Damage Detection System

First upload.

Most of changes are connected with game balance.

1. Primary and secondary abilities:

- Leech Hunter effect isn't removed after victim's mana is depleted.

- Leech Hunter now dispels Ice Shield effect.

- Leech Hunter burn power is limited. It can't be larger than 10 % of total hero's mana.

- Soul Ravage - Transfer power depends on STR, but it can't be larger than INT. However, Cloak of Shadow Master still makes the transfer power larger than INT.

- Balanced Shadow Lance penalty while casting other abilities. Now, your abilities must hit enemies in order to gain Mentor Power or decrease the penalty level.

- Ability damage was balanced.

- Shadow Blind duration, cooldown and mana cost was changed.

2. Items

- Perfectionist gives less energy on level up.

- Amplify Potion makes the drinker immune to Soul Ravage Effect.

- Amplify Potion increases the amount of gained Mentor's mana points when an ability hits an enemy.

- Zailjani's Head causes healing which equals a part of the transferred mana. This healing can't be larger than 5 % of total hero's health.

- Garda of Shocking should work correctly now.

- Upgrade costs were fixed to adequate values (something is increased, something is decreased).

- Amplify Potion restores from 3 to 6 Mentor's power, not 5 - 12 like in the demo.

- Book of Endurance gives 20 health instead of 18 health.

- Book of Vigor gives + 2 % to attack speed instead of 1 %.

- Book of Mana gives + 3 % to mana regeneration instead of 1 %. Also, regeneration bonus inflicted on Satyr's Bow mana regeneration and Frostmoron item increased.

- Book of Experience calculation is fixed.

- Gloves of Ogre Teeth Kick - it damages unmoved units (towers, ward etc).

- Merchant Shard works correctly now.

- Mana Potion - Decreases Shadow Lance penalty, but with a chance.

3. Battle System

- Shadow Lance penalty is complex. Boss fights increase penalty level more.

- The system of Mentor Power gaining was slightly changed. You can't gain a large number of mentor power anymore.

- Blunt damage calculation was changed.

- Spell Resistance works correctly now.

- While a boss fight is going on, a second multiboard shows an information about the boss' shadowmancer debuffs and invisible detection abilities.

4. Units

- Chapter II boss periodically restores racial troll bonuses.

- Chapter III boss is still a bit buggy (I put some fixes, should help)

- More dynamic boss fights: Bosses cast spells faster.

- Fixed AI, including Shadow Blind effect.

- Possessed Archer - Doesn't die instantly anymore when his "Power Shot" effect fades.

- First treasure chest in the 1st Chapter gives 2 healing potions, first Possessed Militia Guardian drops an additional Mana Potion.

5. Quests

- Chapter III Secondary quest "Dragon Omelette" gives a reward box with runes.

- Decreased a reward value for the completing of the secondary quest "Building the Bridge".

6. General

- Experience scale value was changed.

- Made some tries to remove the slow bug (when the hero receives zero movement speed). The bug is still possible to appear. Save often, please.

- Fixed small errors in texts (yeah, sure...).

- Added small cosmetic features.

- Deleted some unused triggers. That should decrease loading time, but only a bit.
- Removed some leaks.

Campaign menu music plays correctly now.

1. Abilities
- Fixed Soul Ravage ability in chapter 2.
- Leech Hunter and Tremor now require the 3rd hero level.
2. General
- Fixed intro in the final chapter.
- Added a function to load chapters you've done before. It would be necessary not to start everything again after I release another patch.

1. Abilities
- Slightly changed stun duration calculation for Shadow Lance ability.
2. Optimizing
- Replaced 1000lv stun effect by 100 lv. It basically can decrease loading time.
- Increase INITIALIZATING MAP stage speed.
- Decreased difficulty borders in chapter 6 and 7.

1. Abilities
- Shadow Lance illusion becomes blurry during attacks. Each blow decreases the illusion's lifetime.
- Leech Hunter decrease blurring efficiency. Cursed attackers can't decrease Shadow Lance illusion's lifetime at full power.
- Shadow Blind wave increases Shadow Lance illusion's lifetime
- Shadow Lance invisibility effect decreases chance of gaining Mentor Power or decreasing Shadow Lance penalty.
2. General
- Fixed thefinal battle cinematic camera in chapter 2.
3. Optimizing
- Did some tries to decrease loading time more.
4. Items
- Cursed Stiletto should work correctly now.

1. General
- Fixed Repair Kit Horse health in chapter 1. Health is comparable with damage boost for testing version.
- Fire area damage is fixed while moving Repair Kit Horse to the bridge.

1. General
- Fixed some insignificant problems with chapter 8.
- Chapter I became easier. Added some potion drop. Secrets are marked, but only in chapter 1.
- Chapter I final boss spell damage is decreased.
- Main hero total health is increased.

1. Items
- Mana Potion restores Mentor Power, but its amount depends on the difficulty.
2. General
- Don't need to download both campaigns anymore. Game gives you an option to select difficulty at the beginning of a chapter.
- Final bosses of chapters 1 and 2 were rebalanced.
- Fixed problem with doodads in the chapter 1.
- Every chapter has a timer which increases boss attack power after expiring. You may see how long it is left in Quest Book.
- Fixed blurring bug in chapter 3.
3. Easy Difficulty
- Hero gains + 650 health points, + 200 to mana points, + 15 attack power, 2 hp/sec, 1mp/sec bonuses.
- Gathering potions is limited to 25.
- Cooldown of healing ability for Troll Witchdoctor was increased, and healing done is decreased.
- Cooldown of healing ability for Goblin Medic was increased.
5. Abilities
- Adamant Power: While under Adamant Power, your Shadow Lance illusion gets immunity to blurring.
- Adamant Power increases Shadow Lance illusion duration and removes penalty.
- Adamant Power cooldown is decreased to 30 sec.

1. Items
- Since your chance to decrease penalty level and regain Mentor Power point is 35 % while under Shadow Lance invisibility, Amplify Potion effect increases its chance by two times.
- Perfection item was nerfed. It was overpowered.
2. Abilities
- Adamant Power INFO shows correct information now.
3. General
- Chapter 7: Circle at the Poor's Area sewer entrance is hidden until you take the optional quest "Sealed Meteor" and activate the cinematic near the Magic Area entrance.
- Changes some attribute requiring conditions in chapter 6 and 7.
- Chapter 2 final boss gains constant 650 bonus total health points on NORMAL MODE.

1. Units
- Mountain Wolf illusion doesn't create a corpse anymore.
- Mountain Wolf chance to start cannibalize depends on Shadow Blind effect.
2. Abilities
- Cannibalize healing is decreased.
3. Item
- Mana Potion picking up bug is fixed on EASY MODE. For NORMAL MODE it works
- Potion limits for EASYMODE is fixed in chapters 6, 7, 8.

1. Units
- Chapter 3 boss ability "Fire Rain" has a time delay on EASY MODE. Also, Fire Rain bullet hit area is shown (if you have proper abilities to see the casting area) for non - melee range.
- Chapter 3 boss scale is decreased while it is channeling "Fire Breath Volley" ability.
- Corrupted Treants in ch 5 are sharing damage with the boss. (Deals additional damage, if a treant has low mana.
- Chapter 8 final boss becomes transparent, while nvulnerable.
- Chapter 8 final boss was balanced.
- Chapter 7 final boss was balanced.
2. General
- Global change for mana regeneration. Now, the hero regenerates mana every 5 sec. Each 20 INT regains an additional mana point. MP5 Mana regeneration also depends on mana regen items. MP5 doesn't work during cinematics like EASY MODE MP1 regen. Also MP1 doesn't depend on mana regen items (it cause a large disbalance).
- Amplfy Potion buff description was changed.
- Using Shadow Lance while boss fight restores mana to boss, Amplify Potion decreases amount of restored mana.
- Chapter 4 optional quest "Invisible War" is improved. If you didn't complete this quest, then after the final battle is started, Alliance units will have 20 - 33 % of their total health. Also, it decreases healing for survivor Alliance units by 50 %.
- In Chapter 4 during final warzone is going on Alliance Forces wouldn't attack Brainwashing Ward anymore.
- Chapter 4: Attribute requiring is decreased.
- Chapter 6: Near the third village I added teleport circle. To activate teleporter which teleports you right to the first village and back, you need 10 energy.
- Chapter 7: The final boss stage 3 won't lock the camera anymore, except for the Adamant Power effect.
- Chapter 7: When the stage 3 final boss fight starts, all items from stage 2 will be returned to the hero.
- Decreased attribute requirement in chapter 8.
3. Items
- Amplify Potion effect decreases penalty gaining while using Shadow Lance.
- Since Mana Potion restores Mentor Power, the main hero may drink it even with full mana, but you can't drink it, if both the Mentor and the main hero have full mana.
- Satyr's Bow MP5 bonus cooperates with all mana regen items.
- Mechanical Dog in Chapter 6 is marked now.
- Leaf of Benediction III floating text appearance when you drink Amplify Potion shows correct information now.
4. Abilities
- Changed Bear Slam and Blizzard Rain damage in chapter 6.
- Chapter 5 final boss might summon organic Corrupted Living Treant instead of mechanical Corrupted Treant, but chance depends on Shadow Blind effect.
- Shadow Lance using restores less mana to the boss in ch 5.
- Decreases Wisp's heal in ch 5.
- Each Wisp's death slightly burns ch 5 boss mana, if the boss has either Leech Hunter effect, Shadow Blind effect or Tremor effect. Burning power depends on the effect's level.
- Chapter 6 Final boss would gain large damage if you use Shadow Revealing on its Shadow Lance illusion.
- Shadow Blind effect caused by chapter 7 final boss has a lesser duration. (15 sec. instead of 35 sec.)
- Mind Control removes all items from Tax Harvester while fighting boss in stage 2.
- Chapter 7 Final boss: Shadow Blind Wave damage done is decreased, casting time is increased.
- Improved Mind Control removes Shadow Blind effect from Tax Harveseters in 2nd stage while fighting final boss.
- Chapter 8 tactic was fixed. Tremor and Soul Ravage works correctly against it.
- Chapter 8 final boss ability Leech Hunter casts with delay.
5. Quests
- Optional quests in chapter 6 were balanced.
- Quest "Hero Feats" in chapter 6 marked as completed, if you choose non - cynical ending with Clarabella.
- In the optional quest "Elemental Equation" a shaman would help you to defeat Shackled Water Elementals. He decreases their life, and a random of 3 elementals would be destroyed during the final event start.

- Fixed a critical error when killing the dread lord in chapter 1.
- First dialog menu in chapter 1 shows correct text.

- Surrounding green fog is removed upon destroying a Hidden Chest.

- Chapter 2 contains more health potions and gold coins.
- Chapter 2: Successful INT checking during the murloc ambush event (after the mini game near the waterfall) gives you a Book of Experience.
2. Items
- Diadem of Smiting price was decreased.
3. Units
- Chapter 2 got some nerfing.

- Counting difficulty in chapter 4 works correctly now.
- Chapter 3's optional quest "Wolf Executioner" works correctly now.
- Chapter 3 optional quest "Dragon Omelette" can be correctly finished without spawning another goblin NPC.
- Chapter 3 timer is increased by 15 min.
- Chapter 3 chests contain more gold and potions.
2. Items
- Decreased price for Vampire Fang and Runic Sash items.
3. Abilities
- Shadow Lance bug in chapter 4 is fixed. The message isn't being shown anymore.

- Counting difficulty in chapter 4 works correctly now.
- Chapter 4 timer was increased by 20 min.
- Chapter 4 chests contain more gold and potions.
- The grammar mistakes in dialogues were fixed.
- Changed attribute requirements in some chapters.
2. Abilities
- Large fix for Lightning Charge ability:
- No more the bug getting slowed to zero speed.
- You still can't blink through obstacles, but you may use LC when obstacles are located behind you. It means calculation for obstacle detection was improved. Now it detects only obstacles in front of the caster.
3. Items
- Price for some items was changed.

- The grammar mistakes in dialogues were fixed in 7 and 8 chapters.

- Fixed camera distance in chapter 1.
2. Abilities
- Shadow Lance. After the Shadow lance illusion dies, the chance to create a new illusion with the penalty level within 4 - 6 seconds is increased. After the SL illusion's death, you should wait 4 - 6 seconds to avoid penalty.

- The quests with head collecting were fixed.

- Increase loot in some chests
2. Items
- Item upgrade prices were changed to adequate values.
- Book of Endurance gives + 12 HP, not + 20.

- Fixed some errors in texts.
- Mana regeneration is fixed.
- The chapter 1 boss blink ability cooldown is increased.
2. Abilities
- Added new ability Meditation: Restores health and mana, but it you can't restore more than 50 % of total health and 33 % of current mana, also the ability has own price. So use it wisely.

- Added some features in the chapter 1.
- Fixed some problems in the chapter 1.

- Slightly decrease the power of the chapter 1 boss.
- Increase Mana Orb appearing while boss fight.
- Some boss cinematics are able to be skipped.

- The chapter 6 now can be loaded.

- Some fixes in chapter 1.

- Decreases damage of some units in the chapter 1.
- The chapter 1 boss spell damage was decreased.
- Increases the hidden boss timer for each chapter.
- Mana Orbs are spawning more often while the boss fights go on.
2. Abilities
- Meditation decreases hidden timer by 30 sec. instead of 1 min.
Most frequent questions you may ask

A: The character is standing on high ground. How can I increase camera height to see from afar?

Q: Choose the character and press (X), then (R). In the hero's info box you may increase camera height.

A: Shadow Lance music isn't playing during boss fights. How to make it play?

Q: Choose the character and press (X), then (R). There's an option to change variants of Shadow Lance music.

A: After loading, the game speed is too slow. What do I need to do?

Q: Choose the character and press (X), then (R). There's an option to change game speed (3 is standard). Just click to edit it. I faced this problem only once, but I decided to write this advice.

A: How to upgrade items and how to extract energy?

Q1: Put the item you wish to upgrade into an Altar of Power. The cost will appear as text. Select the Altar of Power and press (X). In some chapters, the Altar of Power would work only if you complete a special secondary quest.

Q2: To extract items, do the same thing, but put consumable items into the Altar of Power, such as books or runes.

A: I don't have enough potions. Have I missed something?

Q: Maybe, you skipped Hidden Chests which contain potions, books etc. You should look for a green concentrated fog which hides Hidden Chests. To reveal these chests, you need invisible detection abilities or items. Probably, you are also bad at avoiding damage that causes you to drink a lot of potions.

A: I found strange small sparkles during a boss fight. What is that?

Q: These are hidden Mana Orbs. You need to reveal them with invisible detection capabilities.

A: I can't beat this chapter. What am I doing wrong?
Q: Perhaps, your progress is bad. Try replaying either the previous or current chapter to gain better results. Also, look for secret chests which contain a lot of good stuff.

A: Something happened and my speed was set to zero. What should I do now?
Q: Yeah. I tried to eliminate this bug. It still appears somehow. The only way is to reload your previous saved game where you the bug hadn't occurred yet. Sad.

A: In some places, Leech Hunter, Shadow Revealing or Willpower Dominance show a wrong position of their cast point.
Q: Some places are just walkable destructible objects, which were lifted. The cursor only sees the terrain surface. For more accurate casting, put your cursor on the proper position, press the hotkey to target ability, then use the ability without moving the cursor.

A: Any bugged places here?

Q: You may face bugs during Chapter III boss fight and during Chapter IV in the final warzone.

A: Trying to press [ENTER] after initializing a map, but nothing happens.
Q: Press [ALT+F4], then [ESC] button. The cursor should appear then to be able to press OK.

Creator's commentary

Warning. Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 can be hard for you, because I hurried to finish the campaign and couldn't balance it well. I'll fix the difficulty later if be necessary. Remember, this map series is recommended to experienced players. There is a large difference between a bugged, unbalanced, impossible to complete event and "noobish" skills.

This project is just a "polygon", where I've learned all mistakes that I made during the creation process, because World Editor had a lot of underwater stones on the way. This knowledge baggage, I've got, would be then used in my next project - Shadowmancer II. If you liked this project, I will do the 2nd part. The scenario for it is ready, but it contains less dramatic moments while still keeping the atmosphere of Shadowmancer I.

SORRY for the bad music editing: I edited it to make it loop. My editing skills are terrible that any music maker would laugh hard.

SORRY for my "awesome" English: I have bought an English book, so I will improve my skills later for future projects.

ALSO: It's my FIRST project, don't judge too heavily.

Enjoy. Fruit Forest.

Last edited:
Level 11
May 16, 2016
I really like the story concept here. Since you're a Shacowmancer Apprentice, will the main character be considered evil?

Because I am fairly tired of good guys win fairytales.

There would a plot twist. I also hate, then plot divides two sides on black and white ones. So it would be complicated as in real situations.
Level 11
May 16, 2016
I'll keep an eye on this, I want to play a more polished version, don't want bugs to ruin it :)
I actually hoped for testers. They could find bugs (but honestly I tested it a thousands times and fixed all). The problem is a balance. Cheap or expensive items? Worth to learn this spell or not? etc. I wouldn't force you to play, of course, it is your business, just saying.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
From the little I played, I must say that I really wanna play more soon. Unfortunately, my current computer takes forever to load this campaign, so therefore it is a bit frustrating at the moment. I will try it out further when I can use a good one.

It has fun dialouge, good looking and useful combo spells, decent terrain and loads of small features that makes it very interesting. Really nice job so far!
Level 11
May 16, 2016
From the little I played, I must say that I really wanna play more soon. Unfortunately, my current computer takes forever to load this campaign, so therefore it is a bit frustrating at the moment. I will try it out further when I can use a good one.

It has fun dialouge, good looking and useful combo spells, decent terrain and loads of small features that makes it very interesting. Really nice job so far!

Thank you. A long load, because of a lot of triggers and dummy abilities with 500+ levels. And sad, I don't know how to avoid it.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
I wouldn't worry too much about it. One of the best campaigns (in my opinion) made so far, The Chosen Ones, had even longer loading time, but it was worth the wait!

There are ways to compress the file and optimizing them, and reduce loading tim by doing so. Also, if you haven't already reduced the music files that is a good thing as a reduction by half usually doesn't even make a difference in sound.
Level 11
May 16, 2016
I wouldn't worry too much about it. One of the best campaigns (in my opinion) made so far, The Chosen Ones, had even longer loading time, but it was worth the wait!

There are ways to compress the file and optimizing them, and reduce loading tim by doing so. Also, if you haven't already reduced the music files that is a good thing as a reduction by half usually doesn't even make a difference in sound.

Music quality is reduced. All maps are procceced through Optimiser, but your point makes sense. Later I'll try to work on it.
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
The first screenshot looks really cool. Creative but still warcraft-3-ish. The same for the church interior. Good job!

Edit: After having played for a while, I must say, your game is really exciting! To me it is a great casual action rpg - well, screw categories, it is simply fun.
Last edited:
Level 11
May 16, 2016
The first screenshot looks really cool. Creative but still warcraft-3-ish. The same for the church interior. Good job!

Edit: After having played for a while, I must say, your game is really exciting! To me it is a great casual action rpg - well, screw categories, it is simply fun.

Casual simple action rpgs is my specialization.
Level 11
May 16, 2016
That lich mentor (Irv?) that you had was invisible most of the time as I was inside the house. He only revealed himself briefly when he first appeard. Perhaps this was intended though.
It is a cinematic moving. Irv most of time is sitting inside Demenian's mind. He is unleashed, when you ordered him to do something.
Level 11
May 16, 2016
That ogre though.
While I love the line itself, ogres speak a very primitive version of the common tongue.
"Me no learn, me be smart. Me kill you - me smart."
or something. Just check ogre lines from WoW.

Joke: According to quest he wears enchanted armor, it can increase his INT.
Anyway thank you, I'll try to change ogre's replica.
Level 5
Jun 15, 2016
I have downloaded and tried your first chapter, and these are my thoughts:
1. Add more visibility options(enabling visibility) unless surprising players with what's ahead is intended, or make the vision of the hero farther?
2. Smoother cinematics(or it's just my device)
3. Monster and Hero rebalance?

I hope these are useful and appreciated!

P.s. I love the idea of the potions. Can I use them too on a campaign I'm working on?
Level 11
May 16, 2016
1. Add more visibility options(enabling visibility) unless surprising players with what's ahead is intended, or make the vision of the hero farther?
It's a part of gameplay. You had to buy items , which increase range vision. Without proper items you don't pull monster, but monsters pull you!:D
2. Smoother cinematics
Please more detailed thought, or my english is "awesome". YOu mean some lags? It could be connected with camera range. I now rewatching chapters to fix some problems. I could work with camera range, if you meant it.
3. Monster and Hero rebalance?
More detailed thought, please. Rebalance is a wide term.

P.s. I love the idea of the potions. Can I use them too on a campaign I'm working on?
Of course, but don't forget, stunned units can't drink potions. When I could play your campaign demo version?
Level 5
Jun 15, 2016
It's a part of gameplay. You had to buy items , which increase range vision. Without proper items you don't pull monster, but monsters pull you!:D

Please more detailed thought, or my english is "awesome". YOu mean some lags? It could be connected with camera range. I now rewatching chapters to fix some problems. I could work with camera range, if you meant it.

More detailed thought, please. Rebalance is a wide term.

Of course, but don't forget, stunned units can't drink potions. When I could play your campaign demo version?

1. At least add visibility on the whole house (chapter 1), but up to you.
2. Grammar isn't a problem. It does lag sometimes, most of the time in cinematics, but I don't really know what's the problem.
3. Nerf enemies/strengthen hero, maybe? Completely up to you.

Thanks, I'll be using the same potion mechanism as you do(the f3, f4 thing)
Level 5
Jun 15, 2016
I'm having a problem. How did you make your maps file size reduced? You used UTM as well, right? It's 40 mb and my map is so fked.
Level 11
May 16, 2016
I'm having a problem. How did you make your maps file size reduced? You used UTM as well, right? It's 40 mb and my map is so fked.
I used Optimiser programm. I extract every map from campaign archive, then do operation with it through Optimiser, then return back to campaign archive, but don't open maps during all operations.
WARNING: Make a copy of your campaign, because optimiser has a function to lock your map, so you couldn't open it.
I think my map reducing isn't well, because this campaign demo contains only 3 chapters. I'm working for 6 chapters right now, and campaign size is 60MB already.
40Mb, that you have, isn't bad. Do you use a high quality soundtrack? How many chapter are ready?
Level 5
Jun 15, 2016
I used Optimiser programm. I extract every map from campaign archive, then do operation with it through Optimiser, then return back to campaign archive, but don't open maps during all operations.
WARNING: Make a copy of your campaign, because optimiser has a function to lock your map, so you couldn't open it.
I think my map reducing isn't well, because this campaign demo contains only 3 chapters. I'm working for 6 chapters right now, and campaign size is 60MB already.
40Mb, that you have, isn't bad. Do you use a high quality soundtrack? How many chapter are ready?

No, actually, 40mb FOR ONE MAP. I didnt know UTM was just a template, I thought you could actually use it as a base map.
Level 11
May 16, 2016
Chapter VI is done. Fixing lesser bugs and checking for balance. During making campaign, I found a lot of bugs and errors.

I added 6 non - spoiler screenshots in a campaign description.

(If you finished a demo campaign, please post mistakes and error, you've found.)
I'll upload full campaign only, when it would ready.
Level 11
May 16, 2016
Any guesses on when it will be done? :)
Not bad. Any ETA? Also, putting up a Patreon page for it would do good for you.
ETA: I really don't know, when I finished it. I planned to finish it for few weeks, but I didn't expect, it would take a lot of time. I tried to get hurry with both 7th and 8th chapters, because there wouldn't so complicated, like it was in 4th and 6th chapters.

I'll try to finish in September.
Patreon? Is it a site or something?
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
I'm sorry, but I won't be able to play this campaign. :|
My computer simply cannot load it. I will see if I can mess around with options and stuff to make it work.

One of the reviewers will have to check this one. I will play it anyway when I can though!
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