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[Trigger] Seting Variables

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Level 6
Aug 16, 2007
I was wondering what happens if i set variable like CS=Casting unit in Melee Initialization, and than i use it for every custom spell...

event unit effect of abi...
condit abi being cast ....
action add CS 5+mana(or something)

and than i have like 100 spells where i use CS variable...
The spells aren't MUI than right?
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
Well, it certainly can't be MUI since you set it to a one value.
If you want it to be MUI (which can't be done a lot of times in GUI), you'll need to set it each time you use the spell and usually use arrays which will allow you to make it MPI (one unit per player can cast at the same time).

For most of the spells Jass is a required tool to make them MUI.



Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
Global variables with arrays is sufficient in "you only control 1 unit/hero" maps.


Otherwise I'm to Xtreme L A Z Y (and stupid) to study things you must type in. Also attempting to learn Jass with help of newgen is too complicated to me. I can edit a Jass trigger, but I can't remember those damn lines to write them down. Even so with newgen, I can't remember which function did that thing 'again.


If it was a picture on left side (unit based - image of a person) in JASS function that does do something about, a unit, I think I would understand... that the function does something about the unit. I hate looking on letters. Just boring amount of words...

That what I think of JASS. I'm not able to edit a model through text editor cuz It's BORING editing. But getting limited the the limits in GUI annoys me, so I guess I have to learn some basic Jass, if I can understand it to be able to learn and use it..... :sad:


Is it possible to use custom script to set local variables within the GUI? And use them?
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Unit Casts Ability
set target = Spell Target
Wait 50 seconds
Do 100 damage to target

you have 10 casters each one casts it one time to different enemies
Only last casted unit takes damage
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
Use JassCraft, it gives you a list of all the functions in warcraft 3, with a search system in it.

In fact, use JNGP (Jass New Gen Pack), its better then JassCraft (no need to crash every second time or so when you save with crappy WE syntax checker).

you could all answer NO it wont work.... xD
But thx anyway :)

NO it won't work....
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