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[Spell] Set Level of Ability

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Level 10
May 21, 2006
I've tried to set the level of a unit from level one to four. For Test Purposes I named them lvl 1,2,3,4 because the player should not notice in the end that it gets changed. My aim is to make a spell which has to be casted over 3.5 sec an instant cast for a short period of time, but it doesnt work. The Tooltip changes but the casting time stays the same. It is a unit spell, not a hero spell.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
My aim is to make a spell which has to be casted over 3.5 sec an instant cast for a short period of time, but it doesnt work.

Uhm... What?

Sorry but I don't really understand that sentence.
You want to make a spell that has an instant cast of 3,5 seconds? That doesn't make sense.

Anyway show a screenshot of the object editor with the spell opened or post the map/test map.
Level 10
May 21, 2006
Uhm... What?

Sorry but I don't really understand that sentence.
You want to make a spell that has an instant cast of 3,5 seconds? That doesn't make sense.

Anyway show a screenshot of the object editor with the spell opened or post the map/test map.

I want to make a spell which has a casting time of 3.5 sec TO an instant cast which will have a casting time of 0 seconds. ;D
Level 10
May 21, 2006
I cant I am currently driving by train ;D
It triggers after the unit casted the spell (blessing of moon) then it sets spell 1 and 2 to level 4 and level 4 is reserved for casting time: 0.00

as I said it works, I tested it by changing the tooltips and damage in the object editor. Everything changes and gets set to lvl 4 but not the casting time it stays on 3.5 sec.
If the level is set to 4 properly before the ability has been casted, it might be that the casting time data field of those spells is static and only determined by the first level of said spell.

Unfortunately, object editor stuff has a lot of such restrictions.
The best would be to base all your abilities on the channel ability. It actually allows you more freedom in designing the cast time of your abilities, as you can make the cast time actual channeling, instead of just seconds of doing nothing.

For example, if you want an ability to have a cast time of 3 seconds, don't use the actual "cast time" (that is unanimated and looks terrible because of that), but use a 3 second channel (which plays a proper cast animation), then, as soon as the channel finished, make the unit cast the actual spell. This allows players to cancel the cast time by moving (instead of being unable to move during cast time), looks better, and is better customizable.
Level 10
May 21, 2006
Casted abilities are still cancelable over the stop button and I just thought about seperating the ability into several abilities. I also triggered the casting with animation tags and left/right hand special effects plus a casting bar, looks awesome. I think I will try it first through seperating the spells instead of different levels.
Casted abilities are still cancelable over the stop button and I just thought about seperating the ability into several abilities. I also triggered the casting with animation tags and left/right hand special effects plus a casting bar, looks awesome. I think I will try it first through seperating the spells instead of different levels.
I've found that cancelling spells via the stop command is very unintuitive, especially as actual channeling abilities (like blizzard) can usually be canceled faster via just giving a new order. That's why I prefer dummy channeling over spells using the cast time parameter.
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