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Set Hero Ability level

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Level 6
Jul 22, 2009
I'm able to store the level of an ability with my save/load system but when I want to restore it I'm not able. The trigger that set the level of the ability is this.
  • Unit - Set level of SaveLoad_Skill_1[IntegerTEMP] for Hero[PlayerNumberTEMP] to LoadedLevel
SaveLoad_Skill_1[IntegerTEMP] this refer to hero ability, I've set an array for each class. SaveLoad_Skill_1[1] is the first spell of a class SaveLoad_Skill_1[2] is the first spell of another class...

What I think is that this action doesn't work with hero ability but I'm not sure. Really need help for this, I lost a complete days for searching in World Editor and on Hive(and other War3 modding sites I know) but I really found nothing.
Level 6
Jul 22, 2009
So for example, my system load that an X ability is level 4, I can create a loop like for IntergerTEMP from 1 to 4(skillLvl), in this loop I add 1 skill point and after I increase the level.
Is it possible to recover the Raw code of an ability stored in a variable via trigger or it's will be more easy if I create an String Variable and store the raw code of each ability inside?
Level 6
Jul 22, 2009
I asked it just because in the GUI version of SelectHeroSkill it's not possible to refer to an ability stored in a variable. I tested it with the custom script and it's work perfectly.
  • Custom script: call SelectHeroSkill( udg_Hero[udg_APlayerNumberTEMP], udg_SaveLoad_Skill_3[udg_IntegerTEMP] )
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