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Second Battle v1.2

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is the first version, some triggers are OFF...OK 8 MB for now, just play the map to the end and be real i need some good advice to continue working on this map.Please rate and comment!

1578, there was constant warfare between two samurai clans Ryousuke and Makakazu of feudal Japan.Fields and forests were strewn with dead soldiers from hundreds of battles.Ryousuke was victorious. He established a powerful military dynasty that lasted 300 years.As time went on, Makakazu clan became more aggressive , with vengence in their eyes and cloaked in shadows , they start to practice complex magic rituals, to enchant ther weapons of vengence and summon dead warriors from the first battle.

-Hero statistics and skills are very similar like other real RPG, u have hit points, skills, armor, stats and others elements in game.The maximum hero level is 75, and maximum skill level is 10.Every hero is balanced and equal, so don't be afraid to play them all.All heroes have one aura, aura is balanced and combined whit hero skills.Hero whit mana regeneration aura will have small mana capacity, hero whit attack speed aura have small agility point per level...

-There is 90 items in game, normal(yellow) and unique(red) they improve armor, damage, stats and more.Other items are spell books, potions, and enhanced items(enhanced items are green).To make enhanced item u need to colect 2 or more items to get aditional stats or ability on one item.Books have 1 or more skills, and they are very useful.All items from shops, gamble store and blacksmit are new an unique(You will not find this items on map, except enhanced items, reincarnation items and potions)

-Most of the enemy are based on big hitpoints and armor becouse in this game you do not have a lot of ''fire damage'' or ''magic damage''.Every enemy is diffrent, some are tricky, some are powerfull.Special enemy have skills and greater hitpoints or big damage.

-All mercenerys in all mercenery camps have damge, armor and backpack upgrades(and it is very useful to upgrade them).Every camp have two units to sell and some items.U have few free mercenerys around the map, they also can be upgraded whit same upgrade.

Second Battle, samurai quest, corpse RPG, second battle RPG, Makoi RPG, makoi

Second Battle v1.2 (Map)

21:57, 11th Dec 2009 ap0calypse: Rejected See post #12




21:57, 11th Dec 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected

See post #12
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
Can you say "Unacceptable" ? ...Look, I know you wanted to "Add music"...but for the love of Megabytes, can't you archive, zip, compress etc. etc. most of the your stuff? What, are you going to leave sounds and tracks as mp3s...why don't you just make them FLAC for "better quality"? ... I'm not even going to consider reviewing this...Even the Description makes me want to pass the possibility of downloading the map.
Also :
Created by Corpse ; Uploaded by: Makoi
- You'd better have permission too (I don't see any credits either)

- Rating : N/A
- Voting for immediate Rejection!
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Can you say "Unacceptable" ? ...Look, I know you wanted to "Add music"...but for the love of Megabytes, can't you archive, zip, compress etc. etc. most of the your stuff? What, are you going to leave sounds and tracks as mp3s...why don't you just make them FLAC for "better quality"? ... I'm not even going to consider reviewing this...Even the Description makes me want to pass the possibility of downloading the map.
Also :
- You've better have permission too (I don't see any credits either)

- Rating : N/A
- Voting for immediate Rejection!

You're judging it too hard.Calm down he might actually be the same person.
For example, in my map i've put as author name my Bnet account(reason3) and here in hive i use this account reason 3.

But i can't deny the fact that 40 mb is really huge for a wc3 map.Well i don't even know if this is gonna work properly :D
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
You're judging it too hard.Calm down he might actually be the same person.
For example, in my map i've put as author name my Bnet account(reason3) and here in hive i use this account reason 3.

But i can't deny the fact that 40 mb is really huge for a wc3 map.Well i don't even know if this is gonna work properly :D

Thats true. Lots of people do it. Like Supertoinkz is a.k.a. Gwafu.
Anyway, I still think he should get rid of music and fix the description. Immediatelly.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I'm counting on you to test this! =D (You = plural / I'm too lazy :p).
Anyway, 40MB because you added music? That must be quite the masterpiece o_O
I've got a 54-minute song that's 31MB (when the quality is reduced to fit warcraft).
I suggest you also reduce the quality, since 320kb/s songs really aren't meant to be imported...

Reason 3 said:
For example, in my map i've put as author name my Bnet account(reason3) and here in hive i use this account reason 3.
lol xD
Yeah... that's quite the difference, I think nobody will notice you two are the same...

To try to get back on-topic: the minimap doesn't look bad, so that's a good point I guess o_O
*waiting for other people who aren't lazy*

Ohh, and check my signature...
"The Importance of a Description", click that.
I think I don't need to explain why? (and though I don't need to explain it, I will: your description sucks).
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Map Review

This review is made by reason 3, if you have any questions or anything else to comment feel free to Private Message me.You may also ask me to review your map again.

An RPG map, in which you take part into a war between 2 clans.You can select a hero and write your own history..

[+]Really good idea, and well made.You're keeping players from getting bored with mini-quests.You also help new players with small tutorials.
[+]Your terrain was pretty nice, i loved it!
[-]Your map provoked small lag, probably due to its huge filesize.It also changed my Warcraft 3's resolution for some reason..
[-]You need a proper description here too, not only in your map.Some screenshots wouldn'e be bad either.Your toolitps were messy, please improve them.I couldn't undestand what each skill did, except damage per level you should also add info about the spell itself.
[-]Your map was unprotected so i looked over your triggers.I noticed too many leaks that would probably lead to a crash at some point..
[-]You should add a few more heroes, with custom spells.
[-]Map was a bit unbalanced i guess, some of my summons were useless as they couldn't even damage the enemy.Also i noticed a few just "too good" spells, you gotta lower their damage.
[-]Your map file size is freaking huge, and i don't undestand why you needed all these staff.You could have made it much smaller and thus playable in Bnet.

Overall rating:2/5
You got a nice map there, i would suggest you to lower its size to less than 8mb, add a few heroes with more custom spells, fix the balance issues and improve your tooltips.
~ r3
Level 2
Dec 1, 2009
Thanks for advice, i will make it better...there is lot of stuff that will be in new version.Spellbooks, more enhanced items..new sonds for skills..it is so big cuz of sound but i make it smal...i will try.Just for info: this is my original music(i did not pick it from other games)
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Dont think about removing music, just do it....Add some music with small file size,and use programs to make file even smaller....2mb is somethimes big if map have 10-12 players,you can get full house for half hour...,BUT 40 mb is OMGGG,it is imposible to dl on garena or battle net,so players must dl from net...Map is not popular and today players are lazy and they will not dl your map.....Only maps mega popular like dota can increase file size becouse they now that players will dl their map from internet....Until you reduce map file size i will not lose time testing game play,bla bla bla becouse for now that will be waste of time....Fix this!!! :gg:
Level 2
Dec 1, 2009
Can you say "Unacceptable" ? ...Look, I know you wanted to "Add music"...but for the love of Megabytes, can't you archive, zip, compress etc. etc. most of the your stuff? What, are you going to leave sounds and tracks as mp3s...why don't you just make them FLAC for "better quality"? ... I'm not even going to consider reviewing this...Even the Description makes me want to pass the possibility of downloading the map.
Also :
- You'd better have permission too (I don't see any credits either)

- Rating : N/A
- Voting for immediate Rejection!
Corpse is my first name, now is Makoi cuz i started to meke this map 2 years ago, and now i have new name :thumbs_up:
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
*Warning! : This post is an "eye-bleeder", please do not read unless necessary.
On a side-note : If some of you aren't familiar with my reviewing style, please bare with me during this whole ordeal. Excuse the somewhat randomness factor, I'll try to work on this in the near future*

- Loading screen - Add a custom loading screen whilst still trying to keep the over-all file-size of the map to a minimum!
- The Intro - Is too long, might cause seizures to people suffering from epilepsy. (It's not exactly appealing to eye).

*(10 hours later : Finally In-game, the first things I've noticed)

- Models : No custom hero models.
- Hero Descriptions : Have typos and / or lack real information about each individual character. Also : Do not suggest a hero by writing "Namiro : Probably best hero" in his description.
- Quests : First quest was bugged! - Although I clicked on "Hatsuki" to accept his quest, no text appeared , but from what I understood, I was supposed to explore the parts of the map where pings started nagging me to go to. Also, stupidly : why wouldn't the units / heroes that provide you with quests, be invulnerable? - My enemies could attack them / kill them (As I could too) and this is very troublesome if I actually want to complete these quests, obviously. Suggestion : try "Gaia's Retaliation"'s approach adding a "Talk to" or "Accept" quest option on those specific units.

- Structures : Are easily destroyable and very few are Invulnerable as they should be! I mean, I could practically destroy a Way Gate, thus ruining it's purpose (Creeps that fallowed me to a nearby friendly camp had the tendency to do that for me). Many other structures and building were vulnerable to attacks and if they're existence was purely aesthetic, then they fail in that way too. - Variety is also an issue but I will not continue on this subject.

- Notifications : Are usually annoying and redundant! Why would I have the constant need to be informed I've just received "X" number of experience points and other such "achievements"? And why "Add 300 Experience Points"? Sound like the Flintstones are in town.

- Shops : Sell few items or troops . Items / troops have the saddest descriptions to find on any map in English here on The Hive. Barely consisting of one line, not describing abilities or benefits thoroughly.
- Items : Imbalanced , lack a proper description, and some require other items for their completion (no information about where to buy / find / acquire those items is stated) - Suggestion : "Healing Stick" Does not have a cool-down, this may leave to abuse on the battlefield! And for God's sake : "Healing Stick (Duration 15 seconds, radius 400)" ...*sigh*

- Skills : I think this section is the most messed-up and lacking of all things to consider. You obviously have a problem writing what things do , or what they are, etc.
Example : Moon Thunder - "Lvl 10 (250 damage, chance 14%)" ...uhmm?...I then found out while playing, that this skill is supposed to have a % chance to mini-stun a target and inflict bonus damage, but the names of the skills barely reflect or suggest what they might do in reality. Balance : AoE spells are too OP and can target both structures and units in their radius' (and if any of your allied units or structures are unlucky enough to be caught in that area, you can kiss them good-bye as well ; neutrals too)
One of the "guilty party" spells - "Monsoon" - has nothing to do with it's name, it just periodically hits units with lightning in the desired area (also affects building, neutral creeps and so on). Enough here before I go insane.

- Terrain : Oh yes...the terrain...This map suffers from what I like to call "Outbrake" syndrome, as ap0calypse might get the pun. The reasons why I dislike it so much are simple :
1)Caves placed in the middle of nowhere (and no,they do not take you anywhere) with no land to support them ,giving them a reason to exist, or be feasible.
2) Terrain patterns sometimes change abnormally, from green pastures to extreme frost wastelands with nothing to make the transition smoother. What I mean by this : well, imagine you're in a desert...you walk 3 feet and you've stumbled upon a giant slab of ice...standing next to a fresh water pond...near all these critters (and I swear I'm not exaggerating) -a Rabbit, a Lizard, a Stag and a Seal. (Is this a message from the author bringing forth the dangers of Global Warming to our unaware minds?)
Oh and don't expect custom terrain or different doodads from the ones seen in normal W3, although the proper use and balance of those can result in a very good looking map indeed.
3) The doodads themselves are plenty, which is good! But most of the times, (just like everything else), are over-used and it seems like the map wants to mimic a never-ending repetitive spiral that hurts my eyes. And for balance sake, Christ! 1 out 3 destructible doodads (boxes,cages) I attacked, gave me Experience Runes that quickly overfed me. Now creeps and Bosses didn't even phase me...

- Game-play : Awful! - Some creep camps or mobs are placed too close to friendly camps and that usually results in a conflict if the fog of war lifts when your hero passes by. Abilities , like I said, are Overpowered ; Items do next to nothing ; and you can't shake the over-all feeling of "Why am I playing this?" throughout the whole game.

- Sounds / Music : This is where I wanted to get to. - The reason why the map is so HUGE. Remove the songs at once! (increases file-size for no reason)
I turned the music ON in W3 just to experience what's called an "EAR RAPE"! I tried to sample these sounds and I came to the conclusion that Bjork and Placebo have united forces to stop the pleasure of music once and for all. The music was bad ; just good-ol'-100%-noise-that-infects-your-ears bad! (Again reference to Gaia's Retaliation : Zwiebelchen has good tastes here too)
One last note on the music / sound section : There's a custom sound played whenever you pick up an item, or gain a level...For the sake of humanity, REMOVE IT! - Annoyance Factor = >9000!!!

~ If I missed anything, I apologize : I'm tired and fed up with reviewing poor quality maps such as this one, no matter how harsh or "mean" that might sound. Nothing personal -Corpse- & -Makoi- ~

- Rating : 1/5 (Unacceptable!)
- Voting for : Rejection!
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
I think your review was made in a hurry, you should really be sure about something before you post it.
The first quest was pretty fine, as i completed it.When you click you get your quest in Quest Log(F9).

*And by the way Corpse and Makoi is the same person, as it has already been mentioned.
Level 2
Dec 1, 2009
Wow.. i di not last 1 day on hive, you did not give me a chance...but ok:thumbs_up: i like the way you look on this maps...but i must say here are maps that are more retarded than my map for sure.

Ok..now i make better maps
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Wow.. i di not last 1 day on hive, you did not give me a chance...but ok:thumbs_up: i like the way you look on this maps...but i must say here are maps that are more retarded than my map for sure.

Ok..now i make better maps

Yes indeed there are many worse maps than yours, and all of them got rejected for many reasons.

Try to work more on your map and keep in mind our comments and suggestions for improvements.