Make sure you use the latest version (1.07+) as earlier versions had some bug which mixed up animated X/Y/Z coordinates.
I have been using the latest version from your site since you updated the editor (which is v1.07)
If you have time, check the model yourself in the model editor and you'll see that the animations work fine.
Then check the test map in which I imported the model and you'll see that the anims are messed up.
I don't know what could be causing the problems since I have made simple animations from scratch with the model editor before and they have worked perfectly.
However, this was the first time I had so many geosets and so many animations.
In case it will be of any help; this is how I created the model:
- I created and UV-mapped several geosets for different parts of the wall with Oinkerwinkle's VertexModify tool (using a cube primitive)
- I created a separate bone for each geoset in Magos' War3ModelEditor and imported the geosets to these nodes
- I added a bunch of new animation sequences (birth, stand, death, and 3 upgrade versions of each)
- I added some linear translation & scaling values for the nodes to create the actual animations during the sequences
- I created geoset animations to make certain parts of the model invisible during certain animations
- I added a particle emitter2 to do some smoke during birth and death anims as well as an event object to play a sound at the beginning of each death animation.
(Parts 2-6 were done in the War3ModelEditor)
And you can see the end result attached to my first post in this thread.
It appears that the translation and scaling animations only show up correctly in the Magos' War3ModelEditor but not in game.
Also the geoset animations only show up correctly in the Magos' War3ModelEditor but not in game.
Could the problem be in the sequences? Some of the animation sequences were only half a second long, some were nearly 10 seconds long and I had a half second space between each sequence
Or maybe in the translation/scaling values? Or the geoset animations?
EDIT: I am now re-creating the model from scratch and it seems to be working properly this time.
It appears that the model's animations get screwed up if the sequences are too small or in wrong order or something.
Problem solved. Thanks for bothering.