Quick question. I want to add screenshots to my map description.
In threads, I upload an image as an attachment and open it in a new tab to copy the URL.
Since I cant upload the image as an attachment first in the map update page, how can I
get the URL of the image? Is there somewhere on the hive I'm suppose to upload my image
to link to my map description?
Edit: Btw, this tutorial didn't explain how to add screenshots: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/miscellaneous-tutorials-456/map-description-templates-171659/
In threads, I upload an image as an attachment and open it in a new tab to copy the URL.
Since I cant upload the image as an attachment first in the map update page, how can I
get the URL of the image? Is there somewhere on the hive I'm suppose to upload my image
to link to my map description?
Edit: Btw, this tutorial didn't explain how to add screenshots: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/miscellaneous-tutorials-456/map-description-templates-171659/