(11 ratings)
------ | wa666r | ------ | |||||
SCARLET CRUSADERS V.3 Created by wa666r ![]()
Another Alternate melee in my series of maps involving lore races from the Warcraft universe. This addition allows the players to explore and play as the valorous Scarlet Crusaders. ![]()
- NEW HERO MODELS - NEW HERO ICONS - Revamped many abilities - Added 4th Tier to weapon and armor upgrades - Ability based on weapons and armor tiers system - Desperation abilities added - New spell effects - fixed and updated abilities - various new icons - added new purchase items - revamped how the race functions - etc. HighlordTemplarInquisitorArbiter
Warrior hero focused on assaults and support. The Highlord leads his troops with zeal and a mighty blessed hammer.
Warrior hero focused on defense and area damage. Templar's are revered for their sustain in the battlefield.
Intelligence hero focused on healing. Inquisitors stand on the back lines providing healing and constant support to her allies.
Warrior hero focused on retribution and area damage. Arbiters march on the battlefield with shield at hand ready to force retribution upon her enemies.
Image Description: ------ Change Log/Info: Added: -None - Revamped - Huge Revamp on every aspect Credits: Credit: Blizzard Entertainment Cavman Wandering Soul Shiv skrab AndrewOverload519 Tranquil Mechanical Man Ergius takakenji Ket paladinjst Callahan SamuraiPanda Frankster (If I missed any just tell me please) |
The Hive Workshop Official ![]() |
Map Reviewer: Hell_Master Map Name: Scarlet Crusaders Map Author: wa666r ![]() OriginalityAn altered melee map which brings us to another race called the Scarlet Crusader each with their own advantages/disadvantages. A very original map, creative concept of what Scarlet Crusaders looks like in melee maps.Score: 86/100 PresentationPresentation is realy great! Very informative and even includes a brief lore of the Scarlet Crusader's existence and how it was made. It also lists the great features of this map and an information of what race Scarlet Crusader works and some tips to come up with. Screenshots also looks good and I really like it.Score: 91/100 DesignThe minimap looks good anf fitting to the map. Tooltips in-game looks fine though the tooltip for the Verdict of the General when in buff, it says it increases total hitpoints but what it does is just increase movespeed and spell resistance. Also, you should fix the green icon at the Light-blessed Armor. The icon seems broken or you forgot to put up a DIS icon.Score: 63/100 TriggersNot the person to judge triggers and scripts in-game but seeing from your trigger work at WE. It looks neat and organized. Nice job with that.Score: 92/100 Object DataFlying Barrage unit (I think that is the name) has no portrait and I do think it could be better if it has one. But overall, everything looks good.Score: 82/100 GameplayOverall, the new race is really great and balanced enough. I did not find any flaws in the race itself but some on the broken icons and some wrong tooltips. That is all!Score: 78/100 ![]() Fix the missing icon of the Blessed-light Armor. It maybe missing a proper DIS icon into it. You should have a look in it! Something wrong with the tooltip of Verdict when buffed on units. It says it increases total hitpoints but it does not. Flying Barrage could have something of a portrait. It could be better with a portrait. ![]() Final Score: 82.000/100 Updated: 5/5 Vote for Rejection (due to the green icons in-game) Final Score: 82.000/100 Updated: 5/5 Vote for Approval ![]() Contact: (Visitor Message) / (Private Message) / (Map Reviewers) |
Why are they dragons aiding the Scarlet Crusades they suppose to have gryphon riders
There's one screenshot
Not as far as I can see. I click the show button and see:
Image Description:
I really have no idea, man. Everyone else can see the image.
I can't see the image either. Did you set the album containing the image to public? Maybe the album is set to contacts/friends only?
Can you see the image now?
Yes. I can see it now as well. The only suggestion I have regarding the picture is to make the Lordaeron Banners red as well.
ReviewA Footman16 Review
The PointsThe Good
-A full set of four custom abilities per hero
-Triggered abilities
-Nice custom icons (variation a little lacking will be covered later)
-Nice custom models (some bad points will be covered later)
-A lot of custom abilities for standard units
-Full set of custom items
-Full set of buildings and icons
-Entirely new techtree of units
The To-Be-Improved
-There is too little variation in icon appearance, silver/gold for abilities and red on units. It is alright to have icons that suit like a common colour scheme for a particular set of abilities but not every single icon.
-Far too many summonable abilities, the Guardian ability is a bit ridiculous as well and doesn't look that good.
-Why does the ram and refuge etc have their attack data as a separate ability?
-The names are a little ridiculous and unfitting I would suggest that you change them. i.e Crusader - Archer, bowman; Squire - Pikeman; Gallant - Rider; Hail - Dwarven Engineering; Exhort magic - Extort? Exorcise magic; Burden of Sin - Magical Burden, Arcane Burden, *something* Burden
-The abilities are far too OP in some cases and one or two are under powered.
-Your use of custom models and icons isn't very... uniform. Some of the icons don't fit which isn't advisable. Also don't mix Human and Blood Elf buildings.
-Some of the Hero models and Icons aren't very suitable.
-The House's stats are too unbalanced.
-Some of the units in general are unfitting such as the Redeemer
Overall I like your work with the Scarlet Crusade here. One of my favorite factions.
But I am going to nitpick a bit.
Taken from WoWWiki:
"In Tirisfal Glades a peaceful Monastery was converted into a stronghold of the fanatical Scarlet Crusade, Scarlet Monastery. The Crusaders are intolerant of all non-human races, regardless of alliance or affiliation. They believe that any and all outsiders are potential carriers of the undead plague - and must be destroyed. Reports indicate that adventurers who enter the monastery are forced to contend with Scarlet Commander Mograine - who commands a large garrison of fanatically devoted warriors. However, the monastery's true master is High Inquisitor Whitemane - a fearsome priestess who possesses the ability to resurrect fallen warriors to do battle in her name."
As the quote says, along with a few other places on the wiki, the Scarlet Crusade only consists of Humans.
So seen from that aspect, that is a pretty big flaw.
Of course there is room for artistic liberality, but nevertheless, it is against the lore.
I am not going to comment the dragons except for this:
Overall a great addition to your races. But this one I'll give 3/5.
Every critic focuses on something different I guess![]()
you forget the stuff about demons corupting the scarlet crusade?
-If you're having problems of invisible map in your game, simply rename the file you download to anything shorter. It will show up ingame just fine.
And Wa666r, map is awesome, can you please make the file names shorter next time, sometimes this inconvenience can happen.
Thanks for making the maps ^_^
The Hive Workshop Official ![]() |
Map Reviewer: Daffa the Mage Map Name: Scarlet Crusaders Map Author: wa666r ![]() OriginalityGreat race concept and they are pretty good as well, unlike most alterations I have seen.Score: 75/100 PresentationGreat presentation for this map tyoe, it's pretty neat and well organized, rarely seen like yours for some time.Score: 62/100 DesignGreat design, the Scarlet Crusader are pretty well designed I must admit. the only suggestion I can say is adding an UI for the Scarlet CrusaderScore: 72/100 TriggersThere are many flaws in triggering.Check this link first : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/triggers-scripts-269/things-leak-35124/ Generally, with help from the link, things you need to be done : [1] Remove every leaks from that link help [2] Use Variables to improve trigger performance [3] Merge the Player 1, 2, 3, ..., 8 triggers into one trigger [4] Use Variable Integer instead of Integer A/B (performance improvement) generally, [1] must be done to improve performance, I fear if all 8 players uses SC, they might lag severely if their PC aren't strong enough. Score: 27/100 Object Datapretty much well balanced race and there's nothing to be issued with in my opinion.Score: 81/100 GameplayPretty much a great map for a melee, it gives me a reason for playing melee again after a while.Score: 70/100 ![]() Need help with triggers/memory leaks? Make a thread in the Triggers & Scripts Section. Got any World Editor related questions? Make a thread in the World Editor Help Zone Section. ![]() Final Score: 64.500/100 3/5 Vote for Approval ![]() Contact: (Visitor Message) / (Private Message) / (Map Reviewers) |
is It really Supposed to be 8S? or not
I have two suggestions - can you merge all the races you made into one map; and can you make a smaller map for some of the races, cause playing 1v1 is kinda not good on a map for 8 people.
About the maps - I completely love what you've been doing, I can see them similar to another map I used to play called ExtraRacesTwisted Meadows (there were other itterations of ExtraRaces maps), but those maps don't work on a version higher than 1.20e which is sad. If you collect all the races in one map it would be amazing!
Online that is.Offline it could be played.But that would require you to make AI which would be hard and time consumingWelll these maps are made to be played large scale. As for merging all races/factions; the file size would be around 33.55 MB. That's around the filesize of a small campaign in one map. I'm fairly sure that a filesize that large would not be playable.
Online that is.Offline it could be played.But that would require you to make AI which would be hard and time consuming
Ah yes I forgot about thatNot necessarily. He could make the custom races available only to the human player, whilst keeping the standard races in-game for the A.I player.
Ujimasa Hojo does something like that in a few of his maps. It works like a charm ^_^.
And a good idea too!