Single player map. If a player saves a game , later load this saved game, what actions should I put for an event 'A saved game is loaded'. In other words what data war3 saves on players computer and what should i care as a mapper
Maybe there is tutorial ?
Get me wrong, I haven't used that event alot.
You could create a trigger like a reset system of their active quests when loaded the saved game.
Or revert their units/heroes back into the last checkpoint I guess.
My apologies if this doesn't answer your question.
All timers are paused... they need to be re-started. EDIT: <<< this is not true I misplaced it with periodic timers that are paused and resumed.
GetLocalPlayer() variables will not be properly set any more.
You may also want to load specific data that you stored on map saving in an additional file.
While debuging my campaign I found strange thing
There was bug in one map related to this:
if OrderId2StringBJ(GetIssuedOrderId()) == "smart" or OrderId2StringBJ(GetIssuedOrderId()) == "setrally" then
It works fine but when map saved/loaded it's NOT working.. so I changed to integers and new line this works fine (tested):
if GetIssuedOrderId() == 851971 or GetIssuedOrderId() == 851980 then
anyone can explain why this happends??
It would be nice addition to all info we gathered here in this thread.
I'd like to understand the reason to avoid such a problems in the future.
well, it seems that two natives not working on loaded game:
So, for now we have as follows:
These must be set up again on load:
1. pitch of sound
2. camera smoothing factor
3. all enviroment triggers like terrain tile changes, ripples, ect (@ The_Silent)
These not working on loaded game:
1. periodic timers that are paused and resumed.(timer is not periodical any more) (@ Wietlol)
2. GetLocalPlayer() variables will not be properly set any more. (@ Wietlol)
3. native UnitId2String - always returns null /war3 bug/
4. native OrderId2String (and OrderId2StringBJ) - always returns null /war3 bug/
well, I found what cause problem in my campaign , anyway if you know what can be added to above list, please share with us.
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