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Satyr Shadowdancer (Re-Classic)

Satyr Shadowdancer
- Added a collision shape
- Removed unused tracks
Base Model Credits
Unit Type
Creep unit
Author's Notes
This model is my contribution for the project of Kaigar.:smile:
Visit Johnwar's Models Discussion for updates and links for my models. :smile:

Satyr Shadowdancer (Re-Classic) (Model)

Satyr Shadowdancer Alternate (Model)

Please add a collision shape. I think the alternate model needs a better rewrap on the face (or a better portrait model).
General Frank
Nice model edits with good use of textures and handy optimization work. Models for in-game and perform well. It would be nice to have more variations in the future.
Level 64
Feb 14, 2018
There's already some ranged satyrs if you need one at the moment. Iirc someone uploaded a Satyr Headhunter model, although I do find that pack to be a deviation from the Creep designs.
Kane's Fallen. Pack Satyrs. here is also a pack of satyrs but it is marked as awaiting update due to a lot of bugs.
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
Kane's Fallen. Pack Satyrs. here is also a pack of satyrs but it is marked as awaiting update due to a lot of bugs.
Yeah, some of the models there have selection issues and they're a different take on the Satyrs, too. I feel like these ones would be more faithful to the creeps while Kane's Fallen gives an alternative for those who want them sporting different equipment and don't care so much about faithfulness to the original designs.

Granted, as I am doing the Corrupted Ancients myself, my primary desire is for something very faithful to the original Creep designs, as that's pretty much exactly what the Corrupted Ancients used :p
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
Just a note for anyone thinking of using this - you can actually get access to the Female Satyr soundset by exporting them from the World Editor with assets set to HD, and importing them back in with assets set to SD. The process for importing is also pretty easy, since you can go through the Sound Editor and right click each individual voice clip to replace with the appropriate file. This will automatically import what you select to the correct path.
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
Huh! I didn't/don't quite see it, but I suppose with a female voice set, it would be all good. Thanks. : )
Admittedly that's where I find it to be perfect, since according to WoW lore (which Reforged sort of overlooked, surprise surprise), female Satyrs were sort of an unknown entity. So in that sense I feel it is appropriate for them to just be really hard to identify, like Dwarven women.

Over time the satyrs discovered that they could pass their curse on to races other than the night elves. According to scattered reports, there are both male and female satyrs; however, researchers have failed thus far to secure irrefutable evidence of female satyrs on Azeroth. [18] The Fallen Priestess, formerly the night elven Priestess Driana is a female satyr but uses an in-game model entirely identical to the male satyrs.
Level 15
Sep 24, 2009
Admittedly that's where I find it to be perfect, since according to WoW lore (which Reforged sort of overlooked, surprise surprise), female Satyrs were sort of an unknown entity. So in that sense I feel it is appropriate for them to just be really hard to identify, like Dwarven women.
Ye, but there is a concept art of female satyr from Legion, and they do look more feminine. Also, there are at least 2 Hearthstone cards that shows female satyrs. So you are kind of incorrect, as you are for Dwarf females. That is Tolkien lore you are speaking about.
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
Female Dwarves is a sort of catch-all reference, but when it comes to the female satyr lore, I'm not actually incorrect. It's just artistic liberty has existed beyond that, and WoW lore isn't exactly known for it's... "consistency"

It's also where you'll see things in Reforged represented differently to how they're allegedly portrayed in lore, but then WoW lore also changed the Draenei immensely from how they were represented in the OG Frozen Throne campaign, so a part of it really comes down to individual interpretation - which is where having both options is perfect
Level 15
Sep 24, 2009
3 different Blizzard IP sources represent them in that way. That is enough proof for me, but you can do whatever you want, it is your project after all.
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
Definitely worth giving a read here: Satyr Lore

Purely and simply, Blizzard was never that consistent with their lore, and like I said, that's where having both options is useful. It's also where their later representations go against previously established lore, but again this isn't exactly anything new for Blizzard. They backtrack on their lore all the time.
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Level 35
Sep 17, 2010
welp.. I'm still mad that they made a female satyr, it's against their own lore... and doesn't make sense, it's the same as a male harpy...
good job and good model anyway ^^
XD there wasn't a mention on the old nor new lore that female satyrs doesn't exist, there just wasn't a model yet; with the harpies it was explicit that only females exist because they're daughters of Aviana, the wild goddess, but the satyr are just corrupted night elves (male or females), Xavius just happens to be the first one : /
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Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
Count me in as one who prefers the more bestial alternate version. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing sexual dimorphism among the different humanoid races. But in Blizzard’s case, that usually means males are very bestial looking, while the cosplay-friendly females basically have a human face and torso with a different skin tone.

Anyway, great job johnwar! More options are always good.
Level 2
Jun 7, 2022
So, I'm having an issue where I can see this unit in the editor, but when I try to test the map I've put it in it doesn't show up.
Level 2
Aug 17, 2021
help me !!!! i lost all textures file blp , somebody have them can share with me, i appreciate for this :(