Hello!! I am very happy to release my first public project to the wc3 community. I hope you enjoy my simple map and would like to hear any feedback you can offer.
Run Like Hell Version 6 Final
The object of this game is very simple. Collect the keys and unlock the rooms in the dungeon as you set traps for the beast in pursuit. Get to the end of the dungeon and prepare for the beast's attack.
Note: The host can set time and difficulty at the start of the map. When u host, make sure all players have joined the map after start. The joining feature is a system that helps the game detect player and non player slots. The game will tell you when a player joins. Keep track of the number of players that join at the beginning. There are commands to kick and add players. Look for them in the quest menu. The game will start after all joined players have picked their heroes.
Credits to Elenai, JetFangInferno, EnetheruAnuon, Suselishe, s4nji, Sephiroth_VII, and Illidan(Evil)X for their custom models. Also to Vexorian for his map optimizer.
Music used in game-
Oakvale- Fable Soundtrack-Russel Shaw
Update: RLHcurrentoptV.06 - fixed some bugs. Should be able to run through now ^^
Update: RLHcurrentV.07 - fixed the beast bug.
New Update: Fixed a lot of game killing bugs and uploaded a revised version of my old map. Give it a go and tell me what you think!
RLH, run like hell, run, chase, dungeon, beast, keys, key