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Rquestiing 3 Models.

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Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
I Request the following models. These models will be used in a abillite.
The allied grenade which u can seen being thrown at a spot to blow up the axis or barbWire. The Pipe bomb too be placed under the barbwire too blow them up. The smoke grenade to be used to smoke the axis out in there buildings or the bunkers. Axis stick grenade to blow up the allies.

Pipe Bomb WW2
description a long black tube that is used to blow up barb wire from under neath.

Smoke Grenade WW2
Description a metal grenade you must pull the fuse and throw to release smoke, to smoke your enemys out.
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Allied Grenade WW2
Description a metal grenade you must pull trigger and throw to blow up your enemys.
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Axis Stick Grenade WW2
Description a Wooden handle with a metal top which is used to throw at the allies to blow them up.
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