help with wc3 spells need to find what to use + rep

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Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
first i need a spell for smoke grenade. so i can throw a grande and will be smoke there. and the smoke should slow down enemys attack speed.

and when i use flame strike i used missile and there is no missile its for normal granade.

so what spell shall i use for grenade and smoke grenade?

and i do also need a teleportion spell that makes you teleport where ever you want in the map. so is there any spell i can use for this?

thnx + rep if you help.
Level 8
Apr 23, 2011
I bearly understood the grenade part...if you want to see a missile just give your hero the Sphere ability and modify it's missile from blood mage's missile to and imported grenade

Spell should be based on Channel.Once it's cast, create a dummy at that point that has negative endurance aura or the dummy should start channeling Cloud.

Just use a blink with 9999999999 cast range and 9999999 distance.
You should make an action at map init that removes black mask=map explored.
Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
what i mean.

Smoke grenade/AoE slow down enemy attack speed/or reduce thier armor.
What i mean is that i need a spell that works when use grenade missile then this AoE.

Grenade/AoE damage only/mybe slow down speed also.
Same here should see grenade missile when casting it.

And teleportion an teleportion that makes you able to teleport where ever you want.
Can i use blink for this?

And i do only wana use already made spells in WE. if its possible.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Grenade: Cluster Rockets with 1 missile count

Smoke Grenade: Pocket Factory and change the summoning unit to the smoke grenade dummy unit (I think this would work)

Teleport ability: use blink with a high maximum range.

-edit, acid bomb is nice for slowing, reducing armor etc. For the smoking grenade, give dummy smoke grenade unit an aura that effects enemy units (e.g. Devotion aura that effects only enemies and sets its bonus to negative -> e.g. -3).
Level 8
Apr 23, 2011
[K40$]-Spectre;2383452 said:
Smoke Grenade: Pocket Factory and change the summoning unit to the smoke grenade dummy unit (I think this would work)

did not work :/

well...the pocket factory should work the pocket factory spell spawn a Footman, not a factory.give footman "Endurance aura (neutral hostile)".make the aura work only on "enemy, ground, air"
give the footman a "Locust" ability aswell and change his model to some smoke model
and disable his attacks(attacks=attack 1 only->none)
Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
must be some more simple ways like easier spell? mybe there are other cool spells i can use to a smoke grenade.

What is the best spells to use for this?

and for a grenade.

if anyone knows any other spells i can use. Any suggestions?

doesent need to do exactually what i said.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
We dont know what you find simple or what you find difficult :p. For instance, do you understand the effects that the Acid Bomb can do? Cause with that ability, you can do alot of things without using triggers etc. If you don't understand don't effects, you can ask them here (but take a look at them first since they are quite logical, atleast most of them).

ps: if you just want to do damage to a single target and/or stun, use firebolt.
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