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RPG Pita Bread

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Reactions: deepstrasz
"Made by priests, pilgrims, crusaders, and Mexican chefs.
Throughout history this unleavened bread has always fed the common folk fed and kept Subway in business.

-Set rotation to global animation

Pita (Model)

Changes made, resource approved.
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
haha, no offense but it looks a bit like shit. I am serious, not meant to be rude :) Maybe give it some bread-like texture on the top? maybe some grains or seeds ?

You should really make a cooking pot thing, that is filled with hot stew and include it in the series :D
Moderation Comment:

This is a lovely model, certainly useful in many kinds of maps. There's one small issue I'd suggest you to fix, though. Such items have their rotation movement set to a global animation. The reason for such is that they are already 'born' rotating and perform death rotating as well, without breaking the flow to get to the start point of each animation. If you set your rotation movement to global it would become much better. :)
Tell me if you're able to do such edit, if anything you can ask me how you do it. (Afaik can be done even in Magos) Awaiting update.