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Rostrodle Javeliner

The Javeliner. Basic ranged unitfor the Rostrodle. Based off the bandit spear thrower model,and uses the same skin as the Skirmisher.

rostrodle javeliner javelin spear spearman soldier infantry

Rostrodle Javeliner (Model)

Rostrodle Javeliner (Model)

Level 32
Jul 23, 2005
After I deleted every thing, I decided I'm not gonna reupload things with out fixing and updating a few things. The skirmisher was one, but this javeliner is new. It's been updated, but since it looks simular to this model, I think it was accidently over looked.

Icon is my first freehand one.

Skirmisher - http://hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/models/2955/
Level 4
Aug 16, 2022
Another great fantasy take on the Roman Empire. The added benefit of this is the current Roman model packs have Pilum Throwers but not Javelin Throwers so this model can help fill an early Roman roster gap.