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Roman RPG

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Level 2
Feb 17, 2008
OK this idea was from a LONG time ago (before assasains creed came out also). OK i had an idea of a game that is played in section of italy during the rule of the romans (im mixing a bunch of idea 2 gether sotra) so anyways this area would include Rome(main city) and some other side citys.
each player would be a class. these classes would be things like
Soldier(Leginary)(would be like a tank or somthing)
Trader (would be like a mage but also can make items to help the party)
Assisain (the main char serves a baisis for the whole game)
trying 2 think of others but i want about 8 (not counting assaisain)
this could be 6-8 players so lets get on with story line
There is a new Roman emporer who has a tight grip on the land its ruining bussiniss and more (not a real historical emporer)
so anyways a new underground guild( and by underground i mean thevis and stuff) has risen to combat the emporer this is where all the classes come into play
the trader is the healer or suppler while the soldier would make destrations the assaisian would go in and kill the target or gather the information.
there are of course optional quests and theres a cause and effect sequnce ex. if u where the assasain and u got cought pick pocketing some1 u would be sent to the coloseum( excuse my spelling) to battle it out until u died or broke out so thats the game:spell_breaker::spell_breaker::spell_breaker:
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
This has some potential. You'd better not spell the in-game tooltips wrong ;)
2 more heroes I can think of are Priests (can call down the gods' powers to do damage, buff, minor heals, anything really, and you choose a path of a particular god to follow so if you follow Mars you would get damage buff spells and stuff like that) and Archer which is simple really, it's just like the soldier as far as armor capabilities and stuff go (except no shields) and it uses a bow so it's ranged.
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
as void said it, this map has potential. You could also make a class called rebel, like the people who refused to join the roman empire and such have decided to join the underground guild to fight back the invader. The rebel could set like traps or have double swords->attack 2 targets in the same time, could have skills to lower enemy armor or attack and so on.

Also another class, Druid, hes from the ancient france, one of the few druids that remain left after the roman invasions. He can control the very matter of nature like opening sealed doors, if made of wood or metal, summons a hawk to scout, summons a bear to protect him and many other things...
Level 4
Jun 20, 2007
i think the idea of the "trader" being the support hero is a bit silly... i would replace it with a priest... a far more likely source of healing and support abilities. perhaps an alchamist as alchamy was very big within the roman times... making potions to support the team.

so perhaps your classes could be.

Hespatii ( i think thats it... spearman kinda person)

just a few random ideas
any way catchya later
hope i helped
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
Huuh doesnt the Legionary use spear + shield or something O__o so whats the point of making a spearman??
Level 4
Jun 20, 2007
Hespatii (if thats the name) would run into battle and throw their spears just before entering then draw their swords to fight

and the point of making a spearmen is to give more options for the player.

legionare in games are usually the brute force sword users. it doesnt really matter which one uses which but if you have a swordsmen and a spearmen it just gives more variation
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
Lol by spearman i thought of the phalanxes from my Lord Of The Ring game XDD,
like theyre spearmans wielding pikes and stuff so i thought dat it was kinda useless to have an extra spearman...
sry for the mistake, it is interresting your idea for the Hespatii thought, like he can have a skill that switches between attachements? It could be done w/ a trigger like when you switch one weapon change the ability and when he uses that ability, changes the attachment and everything...
Level 8
May 26, 2007
The idea is okay, but the name is awful, sorry. It could use a better name, or nobody would bother to play it, its a very plain name. Back on subject now! I would love to see an RPG that was not like every single other RPG, make it like that and I would love it honestly. RPGs are now seen as you need a class to make an RPG.
Level 4
Jun 20, 2007
yeah aznsteph ive seen it done before being able to switch between.. would be pretty cool to be able to nail people with javelins and draw them to you then bust out ya sword and get slashin.

and i agree with banlord a name change is deffinetly required.. need something to entice the wc3 community to play this map.
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
well something like "Age Of Revolution" would be cool, since you gotta like kill an emperor and everything
Level 2
Feb 17, 2008
TY all i may just have enough ideas to start.
for the hespatii i've always wondered if u could take lets say flaming arrows spell and put it on someone like a demonhunter making him ranged as well?
OR would it be possible to use the druid of the claw's bear form spell too change him.
I like to try avoiding triggers when possible that way i have room for more important triggers......
Gud pootential! Well, a legionary used a gladius, a pilum, had a pugio(dagger) and his main actual power was his scutum(shield). All he wore for armour was his lorica segmentata(cuirass) and caliga(sandals).
Tank? No, not alone. Alone, he was a sucker with some heavy things. You'd have to have a Light Infantry as a tank, since they were actually more trained, since they had good single combat training, or an ex-gladiator.
As for other classes, I have some ideas:
  1. Persian Horseman: Damage focused horseman with not so much damage. Best tactics would be for someone to distract an enemy and then get him to kill him.
  2. Light Infantry: All-around combatant, great for use together with Persians. He could throw javelins and fight with sword, shield and dagger.
  3. Ex-Gladiator: Pretty much the same as the Light Infantry, except that he can base more on either damage-dealing or defensive tactics. Can use a spear, sword and shield.
  4. Projectile Soldier: A high-damage focused class. With hardly any armour, it's best for him to stay away. Can use javelins, scorpions and bows.
  5. Priest: A support and/or damage hero. Each level, he can choose to study one god further, giving him more skills to do with that specific god - like a spellbook.
Level 2
Feb 17, 2008
sure i need some quest ideas
i like the classes going i just need some proper skins
i'll need some trigger help im not that good with em
it may be tricky to do All the side stuff so i'll just do a law system
and i need a way for all the chars to come to gether so far i got
the theif and gladiator help each other break out of the collisium
the soon-to-be-ex soldiers will all be destroying the last of the barbarians and
the preist will be studing in the temple
places will be
the collosium
the armory
the library
the palace
the tavern/hiding spot
and the port
Well thats everything im including if any1 can give me an idea for how the chars meet and some trigger help that would be great =)
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